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A Warriner to Protect Her (2017)

par Virginia Heath

Séries: The Wild Warriners (1)

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2031,129,493 (4)1
An heiress in distress and an earl in disgrace... When heiress Violet Dunston escapes from an abduction, she finds an unlikely protector in Jack Warriner - a member of one of England's most infamous families. Ensconced with mysterious Jack behind his manor's walls, soon escape is the last thing on Letty's mind! Jack may be an earl, but his father's exploits have left him with nothing to offer except a tarnished name. He's turned his back on the ton, but with Letty tempting him day and night, he finds himself contemplating the unthinkable - a society marriage!.… (plus d'informations)

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The First book in The Wild Warriners series by Virginia Heath is fantastic. romantic, sweet and spicy. I'm absolutely in love with Virginia's characters and writing. Jack and Letty's story is perfection. High stakes, charming characters and a sweet love story make this the perfect read. Up next, A Warriner to Rescue Her. ( )
  GayleCochrane | Apr 25, 2019 |
Oh man, I hope Jack Warriner leaves his past issues behind and enjoys his life rather than the wallow he was engaging in about the past, both his family past and his own. He takes all the cares of the world on his shoulders, including the issues with people's perceptions of him and his family and does his best to be a better person. It doesn't always work but he always tries.

And another problem enters his life, Letty, she stumbles into his arms half-dead with her hands tied and soaked through. He brings her home and nurses her back to health, she's an heiress whose uncle has a nefarious plan to have her married off and then killed for her wealth, but he only has a month before she has power over her own assets; she has a month to keep herself alive.

I loved how they interacted, while there were a few places where I wanted them deeply to use their words, I could see how they both wouldn't. They both have trust issues, both in themselves and others but they also come to realise how important they are to each other, eventually. I found it very entertaining. ( )
  wyvernfriend | Aug 22, 2017 |
Another solid read from Virginia Heath. Her past books all end abruptly after the declaration of love (basically the only complaint I have about her books), but I'm satisfied with where this story ended. There was one scene I would like to change though. When Jack lifted Letty up to dust the chandelier, they were all hot and bothered for each other. I kept stopping to think why no one was sneezing. ( )
  starlightgenie | Aug 8, 2017 |
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An heiress in distress and an earl in disgrace... When heiress Violet Dunston escapes from an abduction, she finds an unlikely protector in Jack Warriner - a member of one of England's most infamous families. Ensconced with mysterious Jack behind his manor's walls, soon escape is the last thing on Letty's mind! Jack may be an earl, but his father's exploits have left him with nothing to offer except a tarnished name. He's turned his back on the ton, but with Letty tempting him day and night, he finds himself contemplating the unthinkable - a society marriage!.

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