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The Clover Chapel

par Devney Perry

Séries: Jamison Valley (2)

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746371,837 (3.72)1
A small town, second chance romance from Wall Street Journal and USA Today Bestselling Author Devney Perry. She took a dare and fell in love. Truth would have been the smarter choice. After years of living under her father's thumb, Emmeline is ready to break free. She's abandoned her life as a New York socialite to follow her dream of becoming a kindergarten teacher in a small, wholesome town. Seeing the man that nearly broke her was absolutely not what she had hoped to find in Prescott, Montana. Nick hasn't seen his Emmy in nine years, but that doesn't mean he's forgotten a thing about the woman he loves. After just one blissful night as man and wife, he gave her up, sacrificing his own happiness to keep her safe-far away from him. But the moment she walks back into his lonely life is the moment he decides never to let her go again. He won't waste his second chance. All he has to do is win back Emmeline's heart, keep her safe from the shadows in his past and prove to her that taking a wager on him is a sure bet.… (plus d'informations)

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Affichage de 1-5 de 6 (suivant | tout afficher)
Not as good as Jess/Gigi story but still pretty good. I won't read the next book about Felicity and Silas. I will never understand why an author makes a character "bitchy/nasty" then think I would want to read a book about them. No thanks! ( )
  DebJack | Jul 28, 2023 |
Anche se le premesse di partenza sono del tutto assurde (si conoscono per caso a Las Vegas e si sposano la stessa sera e, dopo una notte di passione, lui sparisce e si ritrovano per puro caso dopo dieci anni senza che nessuno dei due abbia anche solo cercato di divorziare), la storia, alla fine, mi è piaciuta più della precedente perché dopo le insensate premesse si sviluppa in maniera più coerente. Tutto sommata una lettura nel complesso piacevole e intrigante. Effettive quattro stelle e mezzo. ( )
  Raffaella10 | Jul 25, 2023 |
4.5 stars

I enjoyed this book even more than the first one. I loved the characters and story in this. I also liked that I could see the tie in of characters that will start the Gypsy King series.

My favorite part besides the connection between the characters, or a teacher stepping up for a child (this happened for me when I was in 3rd grade so it was extra special for me) was the kidnap club. That struck a chord for me. Reminded me of the friendships in the Rock Chicks series by KA.

For anyone that has any books on their TBR list, trust me when I say to move them to the top of the list. ( )
  MagicalRi | Feb 24, 2022 |
This is the second book in a new series, I would strongly suggest you read book 1 first as there are characters in the first book who appear in this one and we see progress in their relationship.
I am a sucker for 'married in vegas' story-lines, in the prologue the couple Emmy and Nick get married after only just meeting and then he leaves with no explanation. The book starts 9 years on. In some ways I want to say this is too long for a second chance romance but in other ways it gives Emmy in particular a chance to move on with her life. She is now with someone else though not married as she never got divorced.
What I didn't like is Nick and his other women. I understand that Emmy moved on, she had no choice, she felt she loved Nick but he left, she couldn't find him, despite hiring a private investigator, so she did all she could, she has struggled to move on and admits a piece of her heart was left with Nick but she was the injured party. Nick however for whatever reasons he feels are acceptable, left her and even though he claims to love her and can't forget her, he sleeps around, he says it's not a lot and his ring finger burned because he was cheating on his wife. I hate it when authors write this, it makes me dislike the so called hero.
I found it hard to understand when they did meet up how she was so open with him.
They agree to spend a certain amount of time together before deciding to divorce or try again, she's hoping he'll agree to the divorce, he asks her loads of things about her life, why she made certain choices and how things she planned didn't turn out the way they had discussed 9 years ago and she tells him.... In detail. I would have been so annoyed with him I would have not been so quick to fill him in esp as he told her so little about himself.
Overall it's a good story, there is some very, very good writing in there.
I felt at times he needed more backbone and they did have a huge row at one point and I felt she should NOT have apologized​, what he said was awful and the consequences were very difficult for her.
I liked the fact that she didn't wrap all the story-line up in a bow, some relationships were on their way to healing others weren't, at least for the moment. There was one time in particular that Emmy's dad could have been affected by Nick's actions and seen him as a good man but that didn't happen.
Also her ex, I had a feeling he may be cheating on her though it was never said but also the author didn't turn him into a ratbag either, he's not for her so he's a terrible person is sometimes the route that is taken but she didn't do that. There is lots of potential for additional story-lines or spin off series, Nick's family, Emmy's dad, Emmy's ex, all could have interesting plots.
So mixed bag. But I will definitely read book 3. ( )
  izzied | Oct 29, 2020 |
This was to be a rainy weekend, not much thought required read. While it started with a bit of an unlikely prologue, and the overall story went at an enjoyable pace and included romance (steamy and times) and suspense, my major complaint was that Nick’s favorite word must have been F***. It seemed like it was used as a noun, verb or adjective on every other page. That part dropped the rating for me. ( )
  Beth_German | Mar 28, 2020 |
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A small town, second chance romance from Wall Street Journal and USA Today Bestselling Author Devney Perry. She took a dare and fell in love. Truth would have been the smarter choice. After years of living under her father's thumb, Emmeline is ready to break free. She's abandoned her life as a New York socialite to follow her dream of becoming a kindergarten teacher in a small, wholesome town. Seeing the man that nearly broke her was absolutely not what she had hoped to find in Prescott, Montana. Nick hasn't seen his Emmy in nine years, but that doesn't mean he's forgotten a thing about the woman he loves. After just one blissful night as man and wife, he gave her up, sacrificing his own happiness to keep her safe-far away from him. But the moment she walks back into his lonely life is the moment he decides never to let her go again. He won't waste his second chance. All he has to do is win back Emmeline's heart, keep her safe from the shadows in his past and prove to her that taking a wager on him is a sure bet.

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