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Eloping with the Princess

par Robyn DeHart

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A secret princess. A confirmed bachelor. The perfect marriage of convenience. When a fellow member of the Brotherhood of the Sword drops off a mysterious lady in need of protection at the house of Viscount Jason Ellis, he agrees to keep her safe not fully knowing what that will entail. Once Isabel Crisp learns the truth of her identity, that she's the last remaining member of the royal family from the island nation of Saldania, her world is tipped upside down. A plot to usurp the throne from Victoria after a marriage comes to light. Isabel realizes rather quickly that if she were already married the men would not succeed with their plan. Jason reluctantly agrees to marry her, but in name only as he's bound to learn the title to his brother's son, the rightful heir. But keeping his hands off his tempting and willing wife proves too difficult and the passion between them ignites. Contains mature themes.… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parpasher, eyes.2c

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Unfulfilled promise

The characters of Viscount Jason Ellis and Isabel Crisp have strong promise. Ellis we had met in 'Undercover with the Earl.' I found the potential for an excellent story with the added twist of powers vying for Victoria's throne was somewhat undeveloped. But I must recognize that this novel only runs to fifteen chapters.
If you haven't seen the series built around the young Victoria then you maybe won't realize the tensions around her becoming queen. To use the back room struggles when Victoria ascends to the throne is clever. Whilst acknowledging this with the limited plot development, DeHart could have built so much more on that historical fact, and given us more substance and fulfilled the inherent promise. Rather we were caught up in the laboured push and pull of to consummate or not.
Still this continues the Brotherhood plots and the series is based on an interesting premise.

A NetGalley ARC ( )
  eyes.2c | Jun 6, 2017 |
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A secret princess. A confirmed bachelor. The perfect marriage of convenience. When a fellow member of the Brotherhood of the Sword drops off a mysterious lady in need of protection at the house of Viscount Jason Ellis, he agrees to keep her safe not fully knowing what that will entail. Once Isabel Crisp learns the truth of her identity, that she's the last remaining member of the royal family from the island nation of Saldania, her world is tipped upside down. A plot to usurp the throne from Victoria after a marriage comes to light. Isabel realizes rather quickly that if she were already married the men would not succeed with their plan. Jason reluctantly agrees to marry her, but in name only as he's bound to learn the title to his brother's son, the rightful heir. But keeping his hands off his tempting and willing wife proves too difficult and the passion between them ignites. Contains mature themes.

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