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Winter is Past

par Ruth Axtell Morren

Séries: Regency [Morren] (2)

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572470,655 (4.28)1
A rising star in Parliament, widower Simon Aguilar needs a reliable woman to care for his gravely ill daughter, Rebecca. He finds an exemplary nurse--and much more--in the indomitable Althea Breton. Raised amid privilege, Althea renounced wealth and social position to serve God, and is reluctant to work for a man who became a Christian only to further his political career. But realizing that all things are possible with God's love, she accepts the position. Despite Simon's skepticism, Althea comforts Rebecca by teaching her about God and salvation. Meanwhile, an attraction grows between the darkly handsome MP and the understated beauty whose integrity and competence win over his entire household. Althea admires Simon's devotion as a father, his sense of justice as a politician and his tenderness as a man, but his antipathy toward her faith divides them. When Simon's world suddenly falls apart, can Althea convince him to open his heart to God's love--and her own?… (plus d'informations)

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When I first started reading this book I didn't think I would give it this high of a rating, but the further I read, the more I grew to love the story and the message of faith that it inspired in me. As the author Susan Wiggs says on the front cover of this book, "Ruth Axtell Morren writes with skill, sensitivity and great heart about the things that matter most". I totally agree!

You will find yourself in London in 1817 in regency England where you have glittering ballrooms on one side of town and poorly run factories on the other side. This story is about widower Simon Aguilar. He is rising in his quest to be a star in Parliment, but also has a gravely ill young daughter who he needs help with. That is where Nurse Althea Breton enters the picture. She has left her wealth and social position to serve God in the needier part of town. But when her brother urges her to apply for the job with Simon she agrees and finds herself working with the upper class once again. She will quickly develop a love for the little girl but it will take longer for her to see herself falling for a man who wants nothing to do with God. But all things are possible with God and when Simon's world falls apart, he will finally open his heart to God's love and to Althea's.

As one reviewer stated about this book, it "inspires readers toward a deeper trust in the transforming power of God" and that is so true. It is very well done and gives one a real look at the deep emotions and convictions of people. I also learned a lot of history about the Jewish people and the way they were perceived in London during this time. I will definitely be reading more in this series! ( )
  judyg54 | Dec 9, 2015 |
This book was wonderful! I count this book as one of my favorites. It's been a long time since I've read the book, unfortunately, but I do remember the wonderful feeling I had at the end. Read more: ( )
  Katie_543 | Apr 4, 2007 |
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A rising star in Parliament, widower Simon Aguilar needs a reliable woman to care for his gravely ill daughter, Rebecca. He finds an exemplary nurse--and much more--in the indomitable Althea Breton. Raised amid privilege, Althea renounced wealth and social position to serve God, and is reluctant to work for a man who became a Christian only to further his political career. But realizing that all things are possible with God's love, she accepts the position. Despite Simon's skepticism, Althea comforts Rebecca by teaching her about God and salvation. Meanwhile, an attraction grows between the darkly handsome MP and the understated beauty whose integrity and competence win over his entire household. Althea admires Simon's devotion as a father, his sense of justice as a politician and his tenderness as a man, but his antipathy toward her faith divides them. When Simon's world suddenly falls apart, can Althea convince him to open his heart to God's love--and her own?

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Moyenne: (4.28)
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4 4
4.5 1
5 3

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