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Running from a Rock Star

par Jami Albright

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Séries: Brides on the Run (1)

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Fiction. Romance. Humor (Fiction.) HTML:

She's a good-girl control freak. He's a bad boy in need of a clean image. Will these opposites attract or self-destruct?

Scarlett Kelly is the poster child for responsible living. Growing up as the daughter of the town floozy, she's made it her mission to be the exact opposite of her mother. So when she wakes up naked and hung over in bed with a bad-boy rock star, she bolts immediately. There's just one problem: Scarlett's bedmate is her new husband. 

Gavin needs to repair his image or his music career will go down the tubes. He's also just learned he has a son he never knew existed. He needs to settle down, and bribing his new wife to stay married may just fit everything into place. 

Scarlett agrees to the ruse to help her family's financial troubles even though she can hardly control herself around the rock star. As they search for Gavin's son, will their unlikely matrimony give them exactly what they've been missing or send them packing?

Running From a Rock Star is the first book in a series of comedic contemporary romance novels. If you like zany characters, razor-sharp wit, and unlikely love stories, then you'll love the first book in Jami Albright's Brides On the Run series.

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5 sur 5
4.5 stars

Very cute. Several laugh out loud moments. Scarlet was a delight. Gavin was not the typical rockstar which made him endearing. If you want a quick, enjoyable read then read this book. I hope there is a spinoff of Jack and Luanne. ( )
  MagicalRi | Jul 31, 2024 |
4* ( )
  Sheryl_B | Jan 20, 2024 |
Surprise Marriage/Rock Star Romance - Gavin and Scarlett meet in Las Vegas. They have a wild night and end up married the next morning. Scarlett is not normally a wild child and Gavin is also not all what shows on the surface.

I knew nothing about this book or author when I chose to give it a try. I was pleasantly surprised by this fun romance that also had some serious things too. I loved watching Scarlett and Gavin get to know each other. They had a great rapport and chemistry. The ending held some surprises and I was satisfied with the conclusion.

I will recommend and continue to read on in the series. ( )
  sdbookhound | Oct 20, 2019 |
4.5 stars

Very cute. Several laugh out loud moments. Scarlet was a delight. Gavin was not the typical rockstar which made him endearing. If you want a quick, enjoyable read then read this book. I hope there is a spinoff of Jack and Luanne. ( )
  MagicalRi | Apr 15, 2019 |
I'd heard good things about this book and it didn't disappoint. It has drama, it has spice, but most of all it has you smiling the whole way through (apart from the times things are going bad for the characters). A highly entertaining, thoroughly enjoyable read. ( )
  AngelaJMaher | Nov 25, 2018 |
5 sur 5
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Jami Albrightauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Grace, JenniferNarrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé

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Fiction. Romance. Humor (Fiction.) HTML:

She's a good-girl control freak. He's a bad boy in need of a clean image. Will these opposites attract or self-destruct?

Scarlett Kelly is the poster child for responsible living. Growing up as the daughter of the town floozy, she's made it her mission to be the exact opposite of her mother. So when she wakes up naked and hung over in bed with a bad-boy rock star, she bolts immediately. There's just one problem: Scarlett's bedmate is her new husband. 

Gavin needs to repair his image or his music career will go down the tubes. He's also just learned he has a son he never knew existed. He needs to settle down, and bribing his new wife to stay married may just fit everything into place. 

Scarlett agrees to the ruse to help her family's financial troubles even though she can hardly control herself around the rock star. As they search for Gavin's son, will their unlikely matrimony give them exactly what they've been missing or send them packing?

Running From a Rock Star is the first book in a series of comedic contemporary romance novels. If you like zany characters, razor-sharp wit, and unlikely love stories, then you'll love the first book in Jami Albright's Brides On the Run series.


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