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The New Testament Canon: Its Making and Meaning

par Harry Y. Gamble

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1391203,483 (4.5)8
This careful evaluation of the problem of the New Testament canon engages historical, literary, and theological questions often not raised by the general reader. How did this collection of writings come into being? What assumptions and intentions contributed to its formation? Who or what determined its contents? On what basis did special authority come to be attached to these writings? How does the character of this collection bear upon its interpretation? In what ways does this collection claim or exercise religious authority? After grappling with these basic questions, Gamble concludes: The history of the canon indicates clearly enough that the contents of the New Testament were determined by the church on the basis of cannot have scripture without also having tradition.… (plus d'informations)

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Thoughts: This short "guide to biblical scholarship" glossed over some of the reasons certain books, and not others, were chosen for the New Testament canon. This is a very heavy topic with lots of scholarship, and this book tended to disagree with most of the specific theories in favor of the broader theory that there's no evidence that any specific movement had a great impact on the formation of the New Testament canon, but added all together they DID have an impact. I found this book rather dense at times. It assumed prior knowledge of the topic, which I'm only beginning to study. ( )
  The_Hibernator | Jan 7, 2015 |
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DDC/MDS canonique
LCC canonique

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Wikipédia en anglais (1)

This careful evaluation of the problem of the New Testament canon engages historical, literary, and theological questions often not raised by the general reader. How did this collection of writings come into being? What assumptions and intentions contributed to its formation? Who or what determined its contents? On what basis did special authority come to be attached to these writings? How does the character of this collection bear upon its interpretation? In what ways does this collection claim or exercise religious authority? After grappling with these basic questions, Gamble concludes: The history of the canon indicates clearly enough that the contents of the New Testament were determined by the church on the basis of cannot have scripture without also having tradition.

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