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Success God's Way

par Charles F. Stanley

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"Success is defined by a continuing desire to be the person God called you to be and to achieve those goals that God helps you to set," says Charles Stanley. In Success God's Way, Stanley teaches God's principles for success, including ten steps to help you reach God's goals in your life, and what to do about the seven success blockers that entangle believers. "Dr. Stanley has defined success in a timeless manner?knowing and doing the will of God. When a person knows Christ personally and consistently obeys the principles of Scripture, he is prepared for success God's way." ?Franklin Graham, Chairman and CEO, Samaritan's Purse; CEO, Billy Graham evangelistic Association "In a society that increasingly judges the success of individuals by the clothes they wear, the car they drive, the club they belong to, or the career they choose, the church desperately needs to reaffirm biblical standards. Once again, Dr. Stanley has brought clear focus to a timely issue. Success God's Way challenges readers to reexamine whether or not they are sacrificing genuine, lasting success on the altar of a worldly, temporary counterfeit and therefore sesttling for a lot less than what God wants to give them." ?Anne Graham Lotz, International Bible Teacher and Bestselling Author "In an age when our thinking is skewed, our zeal is waning, and our desire for excellence is deadened by apathetic self-centeredness, this book presents many biblical insights that challenge us to hear God's Word to Joshua to meditate on God's Word and be strong and courageous so we can have success." ?Kay Arthur, Precept Ministries International nbsp;… (plus d'informations)

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How do you define success? If you are going to achieve success, you first must know what it is you are aiming to achieve!
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DDC/MDS canonique
LCC canonique

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"Success is defined by a continuing desire to be the person God called you to be and to achieve those goals that God helps you to set," says Charles Stanley. In Success God's Way, Stanley teaches God's principles for success, including ten steps to help you reach God's goals in your life, and what to do about the seven success blockers that entangle believers. "Dr. Stanley has defined success in a timeless manner?knowing and doing the will of God. When a person knows Christ personally and consistently obeys the principles of Scripture, he is prepared for success God's way." ?Franklin Graham, Chairman and CEO, Samaritan's Purse; CEO, Billy Graham evangelistic Association "In a society that increasingly judges the success of individuals by the clothes they wear, the car they drive, the club they belong to, or the career they choose, the church desperately needs to reaffirm biblical standards. Once again, Dr. Stanley has brought clear focus to a timely issue. Success God's Way challenges readers to reexamine whether or not they are sacrificing genuine, lasting success on the altar of a worldly, temporary counterfeit and therefore sesttling for a lot less than what God wants to give them." ?Anne Graham Lotz, International Bible Teacher and Bestselling Author "In an age when our thinking is skewed, our zeal is waning, and our desire for excellence is deadened by apathetic self-centeredness, this book presents many biblical insights that challenge us to hear God's Word to Joshua to meditate on God's Word and be strong and courageous so we can have success." ?Kay Arthur, Precept Ministries International nbsp;

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