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Wanderers 3: Garden of the Gods

par Richard Bamberg

Séries: Wanderers (3)

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The Wanderers have protected humankind for millennia against the forces of Darkness. Now, the last surviving Wanderer, Rafe Semmes, must again battle Rowle-the only Wanderer to ever go rogue and turn against his fellows-as Rowle attempts to kick-start Ragnar#65533;k, the battle foretold in Norse mythology as heralding the end of the world and doom for mankind and the gods themselves. Joining Rafe in his epic struggle to stop Rowle from opening a gateway to our world that would draw the old gods into the battle is the last Wanderer apprentice, Tess. Tess is a heroic young warrior fatally wounded on the battlefield in Afghanistan, saved in the moment of death by the Norse goddess of Destiny, Ver#65533;andi, so she may aid Rafe. Tess's training is far from complete, but the battle against Rowle won't wait. Together Rafe and Tess must overcome magical alliances and dark forces to turn back the hordes once again, or die trying.… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parMontzaleeW, RichardABamberg

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Wanderers 3: Garden of the Gods
The Wanderers
By: Richard Bamberg
Narrated by: Johnny Mack
This is an audible book I requested and the review is voluntary.
I love this series! A Wanderer, a person that died but brought back to life to work for good and has magical powers, and our main guy is sexy and named Rafe. He has an apprentice and it is a woman which it is unusual, her name is Tess. Tess gets her familiar in this book. Rafe's is a Harley Davidson that really is a mythical beast when he shifts. His name is Beast.
Tess and Rafe have to work on stopping a gateway opening to an old world but harder still, they have to come to terms with their feelings for each other. Great series. Love the fantasy, adventure, magic, creatures, and characters.
Love the narrator too! Clear concise voice and makes the emotions ring true. Great voices and makes the story flow naturally. Great performance! ( )
  MontzaleeW | Feb 15, 2018 |
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The Wanderers have protected humankind for millennia against the forces of Darkness. Now, the last surviving Wanderer, Rafe Semmes, must again battle Rowle-the only Wanderer to ever go rogue and turn against his fellows-as Rowle attempts to kick-start Ragnar#65533;k, the battle foretold in Norse mythology as heralding the end of the world and doom for mankind and the gods themselves. Joining Rafe in his epic struggle to stop Rowle from opening a gateway to our world that would draw the old gods into the battle is the last Wanderer apprentice, Tess. Tess is a heroic young warrior fatally wounded on the battlefield in Afghanistan, saved in the moment of death by the Norse goddess of Destiny, Ver#65533;andi, so she may aid Rafe. Tess's training is far from complete, but the battle against Rowle won't wait. Together Rafe and Tess must overcome magical alliances and dark forces to turn back the hordes once again, or die trying.

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Richard Bamberg est un auteur LibraryThing, c'est-à-dire un auteur qui catalogue sa bibliothèque personnelle sur LibraryThing.

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