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The Victorian Treasury: A Collection of Fascinating Facts and Insights About the Victorian Era

par Lucinda Hawksley

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2211,047,536 (3.5)2
From the great-great-great granddaughterof Charles Dickens comes a fascinating look at life during the Victorian era. The Victorian age witnessed enormous changes around Britain and vast swathes of the globe. With intriguing facts and stories, The Victorian Treasury looks at both the minutiae of everyday life and the major world-altering events during Queen Victoria's long reign. It explores urban legends, the notorious crimes of Jack the Ripper and Constance Kent, the building of the London Underground, how a maid spent her leisure time, how it felt travelling on a steam train for the first time, and much more.… (plus d'informations)

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A collection of Victorian miscellany, with the odd revealing nugget of interest: "During the nineteenth century, police officers worked seven days a week, almost every week of the year...…….wearing their uniforms at all times, even when off duty" Phew! ( )
  DramMan | Nov 12, 2018 |
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From the great-great-great granddaughterof Charles Dickens comes a fascinating look at life during the Victorian era. The Victorian age witnessed enormous changes around Britain and vast swathes of the globe. With intriguing facts and stories, The Victorian Treasury looks at both the minutiae of everyday life and the major world-altering events during Queen Victoria's long reign. It explores urban legends, the notorious crimes of Jack the Ripper and Constance Kent, the building of the London Underground, how a maid spent her leisure time, how it felt travelling on a steam train for the first time, and much more.

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