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Enforcer's Price (2017)

par Sarah Hawthorne

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A man looking for redemption  Colt spent eight months in prison for trusting the wrong woman, nearly bringing down his entire motorcycle club in the process. Now he needs to fix the MC's cash flow problems or watch the only family he's ever known fall apart.  Meeting Krista wasn't part of his mission.  Falling for her could mean his destruction.   A single mom trying to get by  Krista was ready to leave hooking behind when her ex cleaned out her bank account. Stuck working to provide for her daughter, she protects herself with one rule: never get involved with someone at the club.  Not that she wants to. Sex has become a job, a means to an end.  One night together as an escape  Krista's body wakes at Colt's touch, allowing her to imagine a life after the MC. A future. A happily-ever-after, if only briefly. Krista brings out feelings in Colt he forgot could exist. But just as he begins to trust again, Krista's truth is revealed--testing the very boundaries of Colt's jealousy and faith.   This book is approximately 70,000 words  One-click with confidence. This title is part of the Carina Press Romance Promise: all the romance you're looking for with an HEA/HFN. It's a promise!… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parlquilter, JulieD2

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Krista is a young woman who has problems but very few choices to solve them, so she makes the best of what she's got. A high school drop out and working hard to get a degree, she ends up working in a bar and selling her body for extra cash so she can give her young daughter a better life.
Colt has made mistakes, but his club has given him a chance to show his worth and look into the cash problems. When he meets Krista he want's her, she's sweet and honest, he won't fall for a woman's lies again.

They're made for each other, the chemistry between them is off the charts, it's so good you're just waiting for it all to break apart.
Colt is a super sexy character and Krista can't believe her luck in finally finding a guy who really cares for her. Too good to be true right!
This book is not to be missed. Great writing and story line. I recommend it, and look forward to reading more from the Demon Hordes series. ( )
  JulieD2 | Jan 13, 2017 |
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A man looking for redemption  Colt spent eight months in prison for trusting the wrong woman, nearly bringing down his entire motorcycle club in the process. Now he needs to fix the MC's cash flow problems or watch the only family he's ever known fall apart.  Meeting Krista wasn't part of his mission.  Falling for her could mean his destruction.   A single mom trying to get by  Krista was ready to leave hooking behind when her ex cleaned out her bank account. Stuck working to provide for her daughter, she protects herself with one rule: never get involved with someone at the club.  Not that she wants to. Sex has become a job, a means to an end.  One night together as an escape  Krista's body wakes at Colt's touch, allowing her to imagine a life after the MC. A future. A happily-ever-after, if only briefly. Krista brings out feelings in Colt he forgot could exist. But just as he begins to trust again, Krista's truth is revealed--testing the very boundaries of Colt's jealousy and faith.   This book is approximately 70,000 words  One-click with confidence. This title is part of the Carina Press Romance Promise: all the romance you're looking for with an HEA/HFN. It's a promise!

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