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Seth Lorcan thrived on undercover work and he was good at it. But his latest assignment brought him dangerously close to the edge--and made him a target, from both the bad guys and the good. And if he didn't act fast, all the information he'd risked his life to obtain would be gone, just as quick as the memory card could be destroyed. What he needed was a ride out of there...even if he had to take it. Carjacking--carborrowing--was his only option. But Seth got more than he bargained for when he took Alessandra Brockman...that was for sure. Al wouldn't let him hurt her or anyone else. Especially when she realized just exactly who Seth was...… (plus d'informations)

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Alessandra hasn't been my favourite character in the previous books but I found I liked her a lot more than I realised in this one. And Sebastian's brother! Seth was awesome - my biggest complaint was their freaking names. Did they all have to start with a 's'? It sounds minor but something about the names just shorted my brain every time I read it. Sin was better but still annoying.

Seth kidnapping Carrie and Al was hysterical. I kept wanting a confrontation - I mean there was one, but I would've liked the girls to call him out rather than him to call them out. I mean how do you accidentally kidnap your brother's wife? Lol.

The plot was alright. The mystery was fast paced and action packed. I felt a bit lost at points - I'm not sure if the background info just wasn't provided or if I just didn't process it properly but it felt a bit untethered. I enjoyed the romance between Seth and Al though. The banter between them was snarky and had me chuckling. I didn't like the waffling towards the end about should I, shouldn't I and debating whether or not to stick around. But it wasn't a huge part of the book. I did want to see more scenes where they shared more conversation and feelings but overall it was a fun read.

3.5 stars, rounded up to 4. It's honestly probably not quite good enough for 4 stars but I really enjoyed it regardless of any problems it had, so 4 it is. ( )
  funstm | Feb 8, 2023 |
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Seth Lorcan thrived on undercover work and he was good at it. But his latest assignment brought him dangerously close to the edge--and made him a target, from both the bad guys and the good. And if he didn't act fast, all the information he'd risked his life to obtain would be gone, just as quick as the memory card could be destroyed. What he needed was a ride out of there...even if he had to take it. Carjacking--carborrowing--was his only option. But Seth got more than he bargained for when he took Alessandra Brockman...that was for sure. Al wouldn't let him hurt her or anyone else. Especially when she realized just exactly who Seth was...

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