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Sweet Pursuits: a Saffron Sweeting novel

par Pauline Wiles

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What's the recipe for a second chance at love? After six blissful years with scientist boyfriend Owen, Bella Beecham was convinced he was about to pop the question she'd been longing to hear. Instead, he accepted a prestigious job in California and left England without a backwards glance. Now, Owen's back in the village of Saffron Sweeting, and appears to be more eligible than ever. Bella's determined that the man of her dreams won't slip through her fingers again. But her plans to tone up, trim down, and tempt Owen back into her life prove bittersweet. Although Bella's talent for baking wins her new friends, her tasty treats have a disconcerting tendency to sabotage her own intentions. And as her increasingly bold attempts to recapture Owen's heart stumble, Bella must question whether she's chasing a guy who wants to be caught. A British romantic comedy featuring both familiar characters and fresh faces, Sweet Pursuits explores how a young woman seeking her soulmate must first learn to love herself.… (plus d'informations)

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5 sur 5
Kindle Unlimited, not how I got it, think it was one of those here you go we hope you review it type librarything things. It didn't overly have too much 'girly ick' fact and maybe just wasn't in the mood for it, because really enjoy the way the author writes, then there is the brit angle of course, which I like. Didn't want to take off star just because of somewhat indefinable eh factor for me personally. 'brit fict'
Forgot to review it on here so pasting from amazon ( )
  Key_Largo | Mar 9, 2017 |
In Sweet Pursuits, the third book in the Saffron Sweeting Novel Series, author Pauline Wiles weaves a delightful tale written in the first person narrative of one woman's journey of self-discovery while trying to find her soulmate.

The reader is transported to the village of Saffron Sweeting in Great Britain, where they follow Bella Beecham as she attempts to win back the heart of her ex-boyfriend Owen Rigby, a genetic scientist who is returning to Saffron Sweeting after five years of living abroad in Berkeley, California.

This entertaining British Romantic Comedy tale has a wonderful mixture of humor, charm, sass and romance. Bella's story draws the reader in as she attempts a self-makeover in order to recapture the heart of her ex-boyfriend Owen, and as she encounters and overcomes crazy trials and tribulations along the way, Bella ultimately discovers her true self. Bella has a sassy sense of humor and independence that is admirable, and you just can't help but cheer her on as she learns to love herself, and discovers that she doesn't have to change who she is just to find true love.

I would be remiss if I didn't mention how much I loved the portrayal of life in the quaint English village of Saffron Sweeting. The village's quirky inhabitants and Bella's close family and friends are colorful and provided a lot of laugh-out-loud moments.The author provides her readers with a story full of witty British phrases and mouth watering treats that makes you want to visit the village of Saffron Sweeting.

Sweet Pursuits is a lighthearted, witty, fun and thoroughly enjoyable romantic comedy that will leave a smile on your face.

Disclaimer: I received a copy of the book from the author in exchange for my honest review and participation in a virtual book tour event hosted by Chick Lit Plus Blog Tours. ( )
  JerseyGirlBookReview | Feb 12, 2017 |
Funny, inspiring and above all, Sweet! I read it in one day and fell in love with Bella's antics. ( )
  yafa2218 | Jan 11, 2017 |
I just finished this very charming and "sweet" story. Loved the characters and the story pace moved along well. One problem is it caused some sweet cravings! ( )
  IPagen | Jan 6, 2017 |
This book was such an enjoyable read. The characters are well written and the story is, and isn't, what you might expect. When I first started reading, I assumed that it would be a typical chick-flick style book, which would have been fine for me, but as I progressed through the book, the story evolved into more of a story of self-realization and acceptance. This is a very sweet, and subtly empowering, story. I would certainly recommend this book! ( )
  talfson | Jan 2, 2017 |
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What's the recipe for a second chance at love? After six blissful years with scientist boyfriend Owen, Bella Beecham was convinced he was about to pop the question she'd been longing to hear. Instead, he accepted a prestigious job in California and left England without a backwards glance. Now, Owen's back in the village of Saffron Sweeting, and appears to be more eligible than ever. Bella's determined that the man of her dreams won't slip through her fingers again. But her plans to tone up, trim down, and tempt Owen back into her life prove bittersweet. Although Bella's talent for baking wins her new friends, her tasty treats have a disconcerting tendency to sabotage her own intentions. And as her increasingly bold attempts to recapture Owen's heart stumble, Bella must question whether she's chasing a guy who wants to be caught. A British romantic comedy featuring both familiar characters and fresh faces, Sweet Pursuits explores how a young woman seeking her soulmate must first learn to love herself.

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Pauline Wiles est un auteur LibraryThing, c'est-à-dire un auteur qui catalogue sa bibliothèque personnelle sur LibraryThing.

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