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Witch Mama (1996)

par Judith Caseley

Séries: Jenna & Mickey (2)

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Jenna celebrates her Halloween birthday by trick-or-treating with her younger brother in the neighborhood and going to a party at school where her mother gives her a special surprise.

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Born on Halloween day, Jenna had always had an affinity for the holiday, as had her mother, dubbed "Witch Mama" after Jenna's birth. When her timid little brother Mickey experiences his first trick-or-treating, Jenna is there at every step to reassure him, just as she takes him in hand and makes him feel safe when they attend their school's Halloween party. The book closes as they experience their Witch Mama's 'Haunted Hallway...'

I'm not sure why I have never tracked down more titles from author/artist Judith Caseley, after enjoying her lovely Apple Pie and Onions a few years back, but I'm glad I finally picked up Witch Mama, after seeing it on a list of witchy picture-books. I saw some of the same qualities here - a loving, close-knit family circle; a heartwarming story about everyday people; vibrant artwork - that made that earlier book so appealing. I think that Jenna's gentle and repetitive reassurances, when Mickey is feeling scared, will do much to alleviate similar fears that young readers and listeners might have, drawing their attention to the fact that Halloween is make believe, and that these aren't real ghosts and monsters and witches being confronted. Recommended to anyone seeking reassuring Halloween picture-books, or sweet family stories. ( )
  AbigailAdams26 | Jul 22, 2020 |
Great book to read on Halloween. Very good colorful pictures
  Maddiegrace | Mar 22, 2010 |
A good book to read on Halloween. Have the students write a description and draw a picture of their halloween costume.
  ccondra | Sep 14, 2008 |
I thought this was a cute story of a family on Halloween. This story depicted a good way of how to deal with a girl or boy who is scared on the holiday. The author did this by reassuring Mickey that the ghosts and witches were people that he knew and saw everyday they were just dressed up. I liked this story and would definitely pull it out in the classroom in October. ( )
  mbberg | Sep 3, 2008 |
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To my own sweet Mama, with love
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Jenna celebrates her Halloween birthday by trick-or-treating with her younger brother in the neighborhood and going to a party at school where her mother gives her a special surprise.

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