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Acumoxa Therapy: A Reference and Study Guide, Vol. 1

par Paul Zmiewski

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The second volume takes the reader on to the practical application of the theories presented in Volume 1. The text is split into two parts. Part one uses traditional patterns of disharmony to present methods of treatment, with their representative acupoints. Part two presents 65 common disorders with guiding symptoms and TCM differentiation.… (plus d'informations)
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You hold in your hands a general review of acumoxa theory, presented in table format, and organized as a system of directories, files and notecards. The book was compiled to fill a perceived gap in existing professional literature in English--the lack of a comprehensive, readily accessible overview of information to support and focus more detailed study. Acumoxa Therapy I presents a compilation of the fundamental theories and techniques found in most modern texts on Chinese medicine, both in Chinese and English, as taught in most schools in China and the West.
  CenterPointMN | Mar 11, 2020 |
You hold in your hands a general review of acumoxa theory, presented in table format, and organized as a system of directories, files and notecards. The book was compiled to fill a perceived gap in existing professional literature in English--the lack of a comprehensive, readily accessible overview of information to support and focus more detailed study. Acumoxa Therapy I presents a compilation of the fundamental theories and techniques found in most modern texts on Chinese medicine, both in Chinese and English, as taught in most schools in China and the West.
  CenterPointMN | Jun 13, 2018 |
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The second volume takes the reader on to the practical application of the theories presented in Volume 1. The text is split into two parts. Part one uses traditional patterns of disharmony to present methods of treatment, with their representative acupoints. Part two presents 65 common disorders with guiding symptoms and TCM differentiation.

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