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Wisdom from Above: Daily Encouragement from the Proverbs

par Charles F. Stanley

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Based on the eternal wisdom of Proverbs, New York Times bestselling author Dr. Charles Stanley unfolds spiritual insights that offer courage for difficult times, inspiration to be the best person you can be, and confidence that God is always with you. Inspired by a lifetime of learning God's wisdom, in Wisdom from Above Dr. Charles Stanley has created a 365-day devotional full of timeless teachings from the book of Proverbs and inspirational guidance for every day of the year. Each day Dr. Stanley shares a relevant Bible verse, an encouraging message, and a comforting prayer. Topics range from relationships and emotions to communication and leadership. When you open this daily devotional, you'll be greeted by uplifting words and thoughts to continuously strengthen your faith. Wisdom from Above is the perfect companion for your day-to-day life when you need confidence to get through the hard times or confidence to summon hope for the future.… (plus d'informations)

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Thank you Dr. Stanley for sharing your gifts of photography and writing with us. But most of all thank you for sharing your gift of teaching God's word. I'm so thankful to you for being such a great teacher and I was fortunate enough to be with you every Sunday when I was working in downtown Atlanta at the Woodruff Arts Center gift shop as a volunteer. I really miss that beautiful old church.The hard times we have come through just made me appreciate you and your gifts more. I am thankful to God for you and the encouragement you have given us. Thank you for helping me and so many others understand the word of God. ( )
  wakegirl16 | Jun 25, 2018 |
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Based on the eternal wisdom of Proverbs, New York Times bestselling author Dr. Charles Stanley unfolds spiritual insights that offer courage for difficult times, inspiration to be the best person you can be, and confidence that God is always with you. Inspired by a lifetime of learning God's wisdom, in Wisdom from Above Dr. Charles Stanley has created a 365-day devotional full of timeless teachings from the book of Proverbs and inspirational guidance for every day of the year. Each day Dr. Stanley shares a relevant Bible verse, an encouraging message, and a comforting prayer. Topics range from relationships and emotions to communication and leadership. When you open this daily devotional, you'll be greeted by uplifting words and thoughts to continuously strengthen your faith. Wisdom from Above is the perfect companion for your day-to-day life when you need confidence to get through the hard times or confidence to summon hope for the future.

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