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Rachel Smiles: The Spiritual Legacy of Columbine Martyr Rachel Scott

par Darrell Scott

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When Rachel Scott's life was tragically cut short in the Columbine High School shooting, she left behind a group of grieving friends and family. But as stories of Rachel's faith and courage have surfaced, her legacy has grown to include hundreds of people who have been stirred by her example and are now impacting their world for God's kingdom. In this moving book, readers will cherish the encouraging stories of those who are still passing on Rachel's spiritual legacy. Her father, Darrell Scott, shares his own reflections, which are deeply personal and poignant. Never-before-published writings and drawings from Rachel's journal are also included, along with photos of Rachel and her family and the people whose stories are featured.… (plus d'informations)

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This book is a sequel to 'Rachel's Tears' by the parents of Columbine martyr, Rachel Scott. Although I found the first book in this series amazing, this one was not as great. It seemed to repeat a lot of information. I also thought that there was more focus on Darrell Scott, author and father of Rachel, than of Rachel, herself. I'd reccomend reading 'Rachel's Tears', skipping this one, and then reading 'Chain Reaction', the next in the series. ( )
  AnnaScott | Jan 8, 2007 |
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When Rachel Scott's life was tragically cut short in the Columbine High School shooting, she left behind a group of grieving friends and family. But as stories of Rachel's faith and courage have surfaced, her legacy has grown to include hundreds of people who have been stirred by her example and are now impacting their world for God's kingdom. In this moving book, readers will cherish the encouraging stories of those who are still passing on Rachel's spiritual legacy. Her father, Darrell Scott, shares his own reflections, which are deeply personal and poignant. Never-before-published writings and drawings from Rachel's journal are also included, along with photos of Rachel and her family and the people whose stories are featured.

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