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par Michael McBride

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2031,129,493 (4.19)Aucun
Four teenagers awaken in a scorched cornfield with no memory of how they got there. All they know is that there were five of them when they found the carcass of the mutilated cow. Forty years later, Eric Devlin sends a cryptic email to the other three survivors: I remember everything. Karl Doering has spent the majority of his life trying to understand what happened that night and learn the fate of his missing friend. He responds to the mysterious message and finds that Eric has killed himself in a decrepit barn, behind which is a cornfield filled with mutilated cattle. When a local girl goes missing, Karl realizes that he and the other two survivors are her only hope. To find her they must confront repressed memories so traumatic they'd driven Eric to take his own life . . . and creatures straight out of their worst nightmares.… (plus d'informations)

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Good novella. Pretty terrifying. ( )
  nitrolpost | Mar 19, 2024 |
Karl Doering gets an email from a friend (Eric) he hasn't seen in years which says "I remember everything". Karl goes back home (Yuma County) to Eric's farm to talk to him about it and finds that Eric committed suicide. While he is in town Karl visits with old friends, friends which shared a terrible experience with him 40 years ago that was so horrifying they still can't remember what happened. But now it seems to be starting again... the missing children, the mutilated cattle, the scorched cornfield, the red glowing light in the night...

I really enjoyed this story. I couldn't stop turning the pages to see what was going to happen next. I've never read a book with evil aliens before so this was new. The story was told in two timelines, 40 years ago, and present time. A truly creepy, scary read. ( )
  SandraLynne | Apr 26, 2019 |
Unidentified by Michael McBride and narrated by the great How Hempel is a terrific and terrifying short story about friends that met the unknown when they were young. This event brought about this story, the second meeting! Wow! Very unique!
Wonderful narration that kept the tension tight! Great job as usual!!! ( )
  MontzaleeW | Dec 25, 2018 |
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Four teenagers awaken in a scorched cornfield with no memory of how they got there. All they know is that there were five of them when they found the carcass of the mutilated cow. Forty years later, Eric Devlin sends a cryptic email to the other three survivors: I remember everything. Karl Doering has spent the majority of his life trying to understand what happened that night and learn the fate of his missing friend. He responds to the mysterious message and finds that Eric has killed himself in a decrepit barn, behind which is a cornfield filled with mutilated cattle. When a local girl goes missing, Karl realizes that he and the other two survivors are her only hope. To find her they must confront repressed memories so traumatic they'd driven Eric to take his own life . . . and creatures straight out of their worst nightmares.

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