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Peony Street

par Pamela Grandstaff

Séries: Rose Hill Mysteries (4)

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In a small town everyone has secrets, but in the picturesque town of Rose Hill someone has a secret so dark it's dangerous. Claire Fitzpatrick returns to Rose Hill to visit family, take a much-needed rest, and decide what to do with the rest of her life. After a travel day from hell, she arrives home in the middle of the night and almost runs over a corpse. When the dead man turns out to be someone she knows all too well, Claire becomes the prime suspect in his murder. Police Chief Scott Gordon dreads working with ruthless County Sheriff's Investigator Sarah Albright. Determined not to let Sarah incriminate an old friend, Scott finds himself bending the law in order to get to the truth. The investigation is further complicated by a shady politician and a famous actress who both have secrets they might kill to keep. It's April in Rose Hill; as nefarious schemes and hidden motives are revealed, loyalties change as fast as the weather. Claire must decide where she belongs, whom she can trust, and just how far she's willing to go to conceal her own secrets.… (plus d'informations)

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Claire Fitzpatrick returns to Rose Hill after working for the actress from hell to visit her family. At the same time a dead body is discovered and it is someone she knows. With Police Chief Scott Gordon occupied with his dying mother, who will Claire rely on to prove her innocence.
Ths book is less about the mystery and more about the characters in small towns and how they all help each other. Still an enjoyable read. ( )
  Vesper1931 | Jul 29, 2021 |
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In a small town everyone has secrets, but in the picturesque town of Rose Hill someone has a secret so dark it's dangerous. Claire Fitzpatrick returns to Rose Hill to visit family, take a much-needed rest, and decide what to do with the rest of her life. After a travel day from hell, she arrives home in the middle of the night and almost runs over a corpse. When the dead man turns out to be someone she knows all too well, Claire becomes the prime suspect in his murder. Police Chief Scott Gordon dreads working with ruthless County Sheriff's Investigator Sarah Albright. Determined not to let Sarah incriminate an old friend, Scott finds himself bending the law in order to get to the truth. The investigation is further complicated by a shady politician and a famous actress who both have secrets they might kill to keep. It's April in Rose Hill; as nefarious schemes and hidden motives are revealed, loyalties change as fast as the weather. Claire must decide where she belongs, whom she can trust, and just how far she's willing to go to conceal her own secrets.

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Pamela Grandstaff est un auteur LibraryThing, c'est-à-dire un auteur qui catalogue sa bibliothèque personnelle sur LibraryThing.

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