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A Bridge Across the Ocean (2017)

par Susan Meissner

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
3292982,050 (3.7)9
Fiction. Literature. Historical Fiction. HTML:Wartime intrigue spans the lives of three womenpast and presentin this emotional novel from the acclaimed author of The Last Year of the War.
February, 1946. World War Two is over, but the recovery from the most intimate of its horrors has only just begun for Annaliese Lange, a German ballerina desperate to escape her past, and Simone Deveraux, the wronged daughter of a French Rsistance spy.
Now the two women are joining hundreds of other European war brides aboard the renowned RMS Queen Mary to cross the Atlantic and be reunited with their American husbands. Their new lives in the United States brightly beckon until their tightly-held secrets are laid bare in their shared stateroom. When the voyage ends at New York Harbor, only one of them will disembark...
Present day. Facing a crossroads in her own life, Brette Caslake visits the famously haunted Queen Mary at the request of an old friend. What she finds will set her on a course to solve a seventy-year-old tragedy that will draw her into the heartaches and triumphs of the courageous war bridesand will ultimately lead her to reconsider what she has to sacrifice to achieve her own deepest longings.
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» Voir aussi les 9 mentions

Affichage de 1-5 de 29 (suivant | tout afficher)
My fourth book from Susan Meissner. This wartime novel reads a bit more intense with war detail than A Fall of Marigolds and Secrets of a Charmed Life yet the page turning mystery vibe is ever present. I had not realized I was reading a different sub-genre of Historical Mystery but I certainly am a fan of Meissner's approach to this category. Another read covering two timelines that's done well and...this time let's add a little something extra that I would not normally gravitate to but "Well Done"! A reminder there is life going on during savage war and a lesson of how life is lead after war, what we forget and what can never be forgotten. ( )
  BONS | Jan 19, 2024 |
A BRIDGE ACROSS THE OCEAN by Susan Meissner is a wartime mystery novel about two women who have both gone through much during the war and are going to America on RMS Queen Mary as war brides. Simone Deveraux lost her father and brother who both got shot for being part of the Resistance. She had to stay hidden for fear of the Gestapo who is after her. Annaliese Lange married a brutal Nazi and the voyage to America is her ticket to freedom. On the voyage truths be revealed and only one of them will, in the end, disembark in New York Harbor.

  MaraBlaise | Jul 23, 2022 |
A BRIDGE ACROSS THE OCEAN by Susan Meissner is a wartime mystery novel about two women who have both gone through much during the war and are going to America on RMS Queen Mary as war brides. Simone Deveraux lost her father and brother who both got shot for being part of the Resistance. She had to stay hidden for fear of the Gestapo who is after her. Annaliese Lange married a brutal Nazi and the voyage to America is her ticket to freedom. On the voyage truths be revealed and only one of them will, in the end, disembark in New York Harbor.

  MaraBlaise | Jul 23, 2022 |
Interesting WWII historic fiction read with a modern day supernatural twist. ( )
  bezap | May 30, 2022 |
I don’t usually like “ghost” stories, but this one was intriguing. Give it a chance.
After WWII many American GI’s married the women came to know and love while overseas, this book tells the story of three of them. The “War Brides” came to the United States only after being cleared by the US government and passing health exams. They came in large groups on former troop ships to at last rejoin their husbands, often with small children in tow.
A present day woman who “sees ghosts” is talked into visiting the Queen Mary in its California dock to reassure a young girl. What she finds there is not the Ghost of the young girls dead mother but an entirely different ghost, one who leads her to research the war brides who traveled on the ship in 1946.
Interesting and well researched with believable characters and situations, Miessner tells a tale of love, betrayal, and desperation.
5 of 5 stars ( )
  beckyhaase | Nov 9, 2020 |
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Life will send us across a bridge we did not want to cross. But when we finally open our eyes on the other side, we see that there had been nothing to fear after all.
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Fiction. Literature. Historical Fiction. HTML:Wartime intrigue spans the lives of three womenpast and presentin this emotional novel from the acclaimed author of The Last Year of the War.
February, 1946. World War Two is over, but the recovery from the most intimate of its horrors has only just begun for Annaliese Lange, a German ballerina desperate to escape her past, and Simone Deveraux, the wronged daughter of a French Rsistance spy.
Now the two women are joining hundreds of other European war brides aboard the renowned RMS Queen Mary to cross the Atlantic and be reunited with their American husbands. Their new lives in the United States brightly beckon until their tightly-held secrets are laid bare in their shared stateroom. When the voyage ends at New York Harbor, only one of them will disembark...
Present day. Facing a crossroads in her own life, Brette Caslake visits the famously haunted Queen Mary at the request of an old friend. What she finds will set her on a course to solve a seventy-year-old tragedy that will draw her into the heartaches and triumphs of the courageous war bridesand will ultimately lead her to reconsider what she has to sacrifice to achieve her own deepest longings.

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Moyenne: (3.7)
2 5
2.5 2
3 16
3.5 12
4 25
4.5 3
5 11

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