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par Claire Luana

Séries: Moonburner Cycle (1)

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462568,633 (3)1
When young Kai is exposed as a female sorceress-a moonburner, she knows the punishment is death. With all odds against her, Kai escapes her fate and undertakes a harrowing journey to a land where moonburners are revered and trained as warriors. But the moonburner citadel is not the place of refuge and learning that Kai imagined. The ongoing war against the male sorcerers, or sunburners, has led the citadel leadership down a dark path that could spell the end of all magic and Kai may be the only person able to stop it.… (plus d'informations)

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DNF, I didn't get much past the second chapter.

It has an okay concept, but started way too early in the story to hold my interest, and there is far too much exposition for the little bit I managed to read. Data-dumping is not a YA problem but a fantasy writer problem. The writer's more invested in the worldbuilding than in holding an average reader's interest.

It's free, but too expensive in time, for me. ( )
  terriaminute | Dec 4, 2022 |
I am always wary when I see a book that is inspired by/based on/adapted from Asian elements, particularly Japan. It is rare to find one that could do justice with the elements they are borrowing from while still maintaining an integrity and respect while making the story your own.

But likely Asian-inspired elements promised on the cover or the book synopsis would also make me want to read that book bar my wariness. I reserve judgment when I read it.

I am so glad then that while Moonburner does have familiar elements, the author did not wholly based it on Japan; nor did she set it in a past/future/AU Japan.

Moonburner sits on its own.
The story has a good pace from the beginning to about three-fourths of it; moving the plot along, it exposes the necessary points that the reader needs to follow the narration along exquisitely. However, I felt that at the book's resolution, the part where Kai ends up getting engaged to Hiro... well, I could see the political aspect of it but I cannot see that Hiro and Kai coming into terms of it especially with what happened at the attack of Hiro's camp. Shall I treat this as insta=-love? There's instant attraction but no love yet.
Is the spelling of "bambu" deliberate? And I think it's naginata and not naganita. ( )
1 voter Ayanami_Faerudo | Oct 7, 2016 |
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When young Kai is exposed as a female sorceress-a moonburner, she knows the punishment is death. With all odds against her, Kai escapes her fate and undertakes a harrowing journey to a land where moonburners are revered and trained as warriors. But the moonburner citadel is not the place of refuge and learning that Kai imagined. The ongoing war against the male sorcerers, or sunburners, has led the citadel leadership down a dark path that could spell the end of all magic and Kai may be the only person able to stop it.

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