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par Gregg Luke

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On a research trip to the jungles of Venezuela, mycologist Dr. Julia Fotheringham discovers that her associate's horrifying death was caused by an organism usually found only in insects--which means the infection jumped species. As she works to contain the organism and prevent an epidemic, she must also battle terrorists who have learned of her discovery and will go to any lengths to acquire a sample and unleash devastation on humanity. --… (plus d'informations)

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Wow! The concepts in this book blew me away. A Mother Nature infection can become a eco-terrorism tool. The first sentence of the book is "Mother Nature is a serial killer." A couple of paragraphs down reads: "Mother Nature. A mass murderer. No one is more creative..." That's how the book starts. From there it goes on to describe circumstances and situations that seem unreal, but at the same time completely plausible.

This book is a suspenseful race against time, good guy, bad guy, science fiction, action packed book. It held my attention while describing scenes that I could almost see in my mind. Some of them I really didn't want to see. Some of them left me a little squeamish, but it was fascinating. This book is a contrast between emotions. You can't help but keep reading and wanting to know what will happen next.

If you enjoy a good suspense book, you may want to give this one a try. Be prepared that you will read things that you hope will never happen. You will picture events that you may not want to picture. Hopefully you will be as fascinated as I was. ( )
  Bookworm_Lisa | Sep 22, 2016 |
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On a research trip to the jungles of Venezuela, mycologist Dr. Julia Fotheringham discovers that her associate's horrifying death was caused by an organism usually found only in insects--which means the infection jumped species. As she works to contain the organism and prevent an epidemic, she must also battle terrorists who have learned of her discovery and will go to any lengths to acquire a sample and unleash devastation on humanity. --

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