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Vote! par Eileen Christelow

Vote! (édition 2018)

par Eileen Christelow (Auteur)

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7762129,970 (4.17)Aucun
Using a campaign for mayor as an example, shows the steps involved in an election, from the candidate's speeches and rallies, to the voting booth where every vote counts, to the announcement of the winner.
Auteurs:Eileen Christelow (Auteur)
Info:Clarion Books (2018), Edition: Reissue, 48 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque, En cours de lecture

Information sur l'oeuvre

Vote! par Eileen Christelow

  1. 00
    Vote for Our Future! par Margaret McNamara (drm19)
    drm19: Positive picture book introductions to the electoral process.
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    A Game of Thrones par George R. R. Martin (Utilisateur anonyme)

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Affichage de 1-5 de 21 (suivant | tout afficher) rating: Approved
  MamaBearLendingDen | Dec 8, 2023 |
This book is an introduction to voting. From the importance of voting to the issues that may arise in politics. I would use this book as a read aloud because it tells the students the importance of voting. The students would learn about politics in other classes, but it is important to have a starting point ( )
  fet005 | Nov 4, 2021 |
This book is a fun informational plot book for the children to learn about voting. This book is perfect for first or second grade. The children will have fun as they try to figure out which is the most important details as we go through the book.
  FrounfelterShelbie | Aug 20, 2017 |
This book explains why people do and should vote. Great book to read for election time.
  JaniceBrody | Aug 20, 2017 |
This was a great book. It explained the goal of democracy through the dialog of a dog concerning a town election for mayor. The dog explained everything that happened during an election to his friend dog as they follow one of the new candidates for mayor. The friend dog asks typical questions and the other dog answers them in a way that kids can understand. This book is informational fantasy because the dogs are talking which is not realistic but the book provides accurate information on the voting process of a democracy. ( )
  bjacobsen15 | Apr 6, 2017 |
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Using a campaign for mayor as an example, shows the steps involved in an election, from the candidate's speeches and rallies, to the voting booth where every vote counts, to the announcement of the winner.

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