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Marlow's Landing: A John Murray Original

par Toby Vieira

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413,516,283 (3)1
Goldhaven is after the biggest pink stone in the world. Zog Shikzahl is after Goldhaven. And Boss Macquarie is after his cut. But what on earth is an accountant from Hull after, heading upriver into the biggest white patch on the map? Nothing is what it seems in Marlow's Landing, a tale of double-crossing smugglers and best-laid plans. And by the time you've figured out you're being played for a fool, it's too late to turn back . . .… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parCina, cctesttc1, ian_curtin, MarcusB01

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This wasn't the easiest book to read but I still enjoyed it. The names of the characters are used constantly which I found very off-putting and really detracted from the pleasure of reading. There were rich descriptions of locations which made sections of the book a very enjoyable experience. If you don't have a roughly GSCE level knowledge of French, you may need a dictionary to help you understand several conversations in the book which are key to the flow of the story.

Overall, an interesting read but hard going (which has delayed getting round to my pile of 'to read' books!). I also found the ending rather disappointing.

I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. ( )
  MarcusB01 | Sep 24, 2016 |
What holds a novel together? The story, the characters or the setting, perhaps. But what if the story is scrambled, the setting shifts and the characters are ungraspable? All these are true of Marlow’s Landing, and what we are left with is style and tone: the voice of the book keeps the reader running. Toby Vieira’s voice in his first novel is fully formed: vivid and vigorous, laconic but chaotic.
ajouté par Nevov | modifierThe Guardian, John Self (Aug 26, 2016)
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Goldhaven is after the biggest pink stone in the world. Zog Shikzahl is after Goldhaven. And Boss Macquarie is after his cut. But what on earth is an accountant from Hull after, heading upriver into the biggest white patch on the map? Nothing is what it seems in Marlow's Landing, a tale of double-crossing smugglers and best-laid plans. And by the time you've figured out you're being played for a fool, it's too late to turn back . . .

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