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That Despicable Rogue (2016)

par Virginia Heath

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812,218,066 (3.5)1
A lady's mission of revenge...  Lady Hannah Steers has three reasons to loathe and despise Ross Jameson. He's a scandalous libertine, he stole her home and he was responsible for the death of her brother!  Determined to expose Ross for the rogue he is, Hannah dons a disguise and infiltrates his home as his new housekeeper. Unfortunately, this scoundrel proves himself to be the epitome of temptation and, instead of building a case against him, Hannah finds herself in a position she never expected...falling head over heels in love with him!… (plus d'informations)

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I really enjoyed this one. Lady Hannah Steers hates Ross Jameson, he won her home from her, he has a reputation for being a libertine and he was responsible for her brother's suicide. So she decides to become his housekeeper in her old home and hopefully discover something about him that she can use to ruin him, however she finds that he's actually quite a nice guy. And he discovers that maybe he doesn't want her to be just his housekeeper. Can he forgive her her deception and can she forgive him for what happened to her family.

I liked it, fun read with two characters that sparked well and the author did a good job of showing the growing romance between the two. ( )
  wyvernfriend | Jul 1, 2016 |
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For Greg, for encouraging me to follow my dreams and write. For Katie, who first read what I had written. And for Alex, who fortified me with tea and kept me sane.
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The crowd gathered around the card table signalled one of two things—either somebody was about to win a substantial sum or somebody was about to lose the shirt off his back.
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A lady's mission of revenge...  Lady Hannah Steers has three reasons to loathe and despise Ross Jameson. He's a scandalous libertine, he stole her home and he was responsible for the death of her brother!  Determined to expose Ross for the rogue he is, Hannah dons a disguise and infiltrates his home as his new housekeeper. Unfortunately, this scoundrel proves himself to be the epitome of temptation and, instead of building a case against him, Hannah finds herself in a position she never expected...falling head over heels in love with him!

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