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Girl Code (Accidentally on Purpose, #4)

par L.D. Davis

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When Tabitha and her best friend Leslie were young, they made a pact to never get involved with the same guy. That wasn't a problem for Tabitha, especially as far as Leo Pesciano was concerned. Tabitha hated the guy. It didn't matter that he was good looking and all of the other girls drooled over him, and Leslie had a big crush on him. He was obnoxious and loved to rile Tabitha up; but when she is faced with life-altering challenges, Leo becomes her protector and her friend.There is a strong chemistry between them that Tabitha tries very hard to ignore, but Leo doesn't make it easy. After an explosive end to their friendship during their college years, more than nine years later they are reunited and Tabitha is again resistant to the attraction she feels to Leo.Time, distance, and new lives have come between Leslie and Tabitha over the years, and they rarely speak or see each other, but Tabitha tries to uphold the girl code they created when they were children. Her loyalty to her old friend is admirable, but will this same loyalty destroy her chance with the man who just may be the love of her life?… (plus d'informations)

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5 stars! Loved it! Wow! L.D. Davis is officially a master in my book at heart pounding love stories. I knew this was going to kick me in the gut and it did!

I absolutely devoured Girl Code and I could not put it down. It's about getting a second chance with the one that got away. Leo is to die for and I wanted him for myself! To make him my very own "perfect portable snack." I'm not going to lie, I wanted to choked Tabitha out for her stupid "Girl Code" pact and how strongly she felt about it. Sure, it sounds like a good idea when you're young and naive about life and love. When you don't realize that keeping an agreement like that may cause you to miss out on a chance at true love. When you have no idea that the heart wants what the heart wants and will not take no for an answer. Yeah, suddenly no such much. I also think that pact wasn't so much the issue as it was her own insecurities and willingness to go take a chance at happiness.

Highly recommend! ( )
  GwendolynGrace | Jul 15, 2015 |
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When Tabitha and her best friend Leslie were young, they made a pact to never get involved with the same guy. That wasn't a problem for Tabitha, especially as far as Leo Pesciano was concerned. Tabitha hated the guy. It didn't matter that he was good looking and all of the other girls drooled over him, and Leslie had a big crush on him. He was obnoxious and loved to rile Tabitha up; but when she is faced with life-altering challenges, Leo becomes her protector and her friend.There is a strong chemistry between them that Tabitha tries very hard to ignore, but Leo doesn't make it easy. After an explosive end to their friendship during their college years, more than nine years later they are reunited and Tabitha is again resistant to the attraction she feels to Leo.Time, distance, and new lives have come between Leslie and Tabitha over the years, and they rarely speak or see each other, but Tabitha tries to uphold the girl code they created when they were children. Her loyalty to her old friend is admirable, but will this same loyalty destroy her chance with the man who just may be the love of her life?

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