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Fanged Princess (Volume 1)

par Elisabeth Wheatley

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OMG. I was completely engrossed in this fantastic fantasy of love, sacrifice, revenge and suspense!

The cast of characters comes alive on the pages and Elisabeth creates some surprising alliances as they struggle to survive. At one point I am leaning forward in my chair as I breathlessly read the words flowing off the page.

Haddie is an enforcer, A Kaiju, a vampire. She had never killed anyone to feed and because of her own experience never would.

Damian, her brother is in love with a human, Madelyn.Haddie knew her father would not let the relationship continue. After all, he had ended the relationship she had with the human, Fletcher.

The trio are on the run from Haddie’s father and she will do whatever needs to be done to let them have a life together, the life she was deprived of. But they can’t do it alone. Who would help them?

Yeah, this might have been shades of Twilight, but it is so much more than that and I really enjoyed Twilight.

My feelings about Madelyn grow and change as the story unfolds and her love and loyalty shine through.

Chase – Hmmm. What can I say, except I can hardly wait to get to know him better.

I think short stories must be some of the hardest stories to write. How do you pack so much into such a small package and keep the reader at your mercy.? Elisabeth did that splendidly and I can’t wait to read more of Haddie’s story in the Fanged Outcast.

The three humans survey me with apprehension. A fanged princess in their midst.

I received Fanged Princess from the author in return for an honest review. ( )
  sherry69 | Jan 25, 2016 |
OMG. I was completely engrossed in this fantastic fantasy of love, sacrifice, revenge and suspense!

The cast of characters comes alive on the pages and Elisabeth creates some surprising alliances as they struggle to survive. At one point I am leaning forward in my chair as I breathlessly read the words flowing off the page.

Haddie is an enforcer, A Kaiju, a vampire. She had never killed anyone to feed and because of her own experience never would.

Damian, her brother is in love with a human, Madelyn.Haddie knew her father would not let the relationship continue. After all, he had ended the relationship she had with the human, Fletcher.

The trio are on the run from Haddie’s father and she will do whatever needs to be done to let them have a life together, the life she was deprived of. But they can’t do it alone. Who would help them?

Yeah, this might have been shades of Twilight, but it is so much more than that and I really enjoyed Twilight.

My feelings about Madelyn grow and change as the story unfolds and her love and loyalty shine through.

Chase – Hmmm. What can I say, except I can hardly wait to get to know him better.

I think short stories must be some of the hardest stories to write. How do you pack so much into such a small package and keep the reader at your mercy.? Elisabeth did that splendidly and I can’t wait to read more of Haddie’s story in the Fanged Outcast.

The three humans survey me with apprehension. A fanged princess in their midst.

I received Fanged Princess from the author in return for an honest review.

To see more visit ( )
  sherry69 | Sep 29, 2015 |
OMG. I was completely engrossed in this fantastic fantasy of love, sacrifice, revenge and suspense!

The cast of characters comes alive on the pages and Elisabeth creates some surprising alliances as they struggle to survive. At one point I am leaning forward in my chair as I breathlessly read the words flowing off the page.

Haddie is an enforcer, A Kaiju, a vampire. She had never killed anyone to feed and because of her own experience never would.

Damian, her brother is in love with a human, Madelyn.Haddie knew her father would not let the relationship continue. After all, he had ended the relationship she had with the human, Fletcher.

The trio are on the run from Haddie’s father and she will do whatever needs to be done to let them have a life together, the life she was deprived of. But they can’t do it alone. Who would help them?

Yeah, this might have been shades of Twilight, but it is so much more than that and I really enjoyed Twilight.

My feelings about Madelyn grow and change as the story unfolds and her love and loyalty shine through.

Chase – Hmmm. What can I say, except I can hardly wait to get to know him better.

I think short stories must be some of the hardest stories to write. How do you pack so much into such a small package and keep the reader at your mercy.? Elisabeth did that splendidly and I can’t wait to read more of Haddie’s story in the Fanged Outcast.

The three humans survey me with apprehension. A fanged princess in their midst.

I received Fanged Princess from the author in return for an honest review. ( )
  sherry69 | Aug 7, 2014 |
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