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Rising Dragons Omnibus

par Ophelia Bell

Séries: Rising Dragons (10)

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The dragons have risen. They are eager to learn about the new world they've awoken to after five centuries of slumber, but there's one thing that drives the dragons above all else: their imperative to breed. Follow all the human and dragon couples while they overcome the emotional and magical obstacles to achieving their greatest desires. Not all of them want the same things for the same reasons, but they will discover that they all have a common goal. Love is foremost in their minds, but the greatest expression of their love their priority. They want baby dragons. In the end, they will all have to work together for the survival of the race. Will they succeed in ensuring a brighter future for the next generation?… (plus d'informations)

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More people need to be reading this series. Ophelias writing is hot, but there is a level of emotional depth and character development that you would not expect to be seeing in what most would assume as "dragon porn".

Don't get me wrong,you can't get through many pages without stumbling into a fan waving, squirming in your seat, dirty sexy romp.

Sure that's what you're looking for when you click on the button to get it on Amazon. Lets be honest want to read about dragons ravishing the maidens. Dont worry, you get that and much more.

You expect to read a flat, generic spank book that offers only one level of writing...much like reading some of the more prolific authors who churn this stuff out predictably in all its form; a mere handjob for your mind..a Big Mack if you will.

These books are not Big Macks.

They are a great, unexpected treat and need shared and talked about. Take them at face value, don't compare them to others with more "substance" Dont pick them apart to get more hidden meanings, delving into the how's and why's of whatever is going on. However, in retrospect there is strong character development and forward momentum.

Read the "Sleeping Dragons" serials first. Then continue to the main action set up for this serial.

Seriously, they are fun, easy on the soul and dont leave you feeling like you just read a "dragon porn" book and need to be embarrassed by it. ( )
  Library_Breeder | Apr 28, 2023 |
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The dragons have risen. They are eager to learn about the new world they've awoken to after five centuries of slumber, but there's one thing that drives the dragons above all else: their imperative to breed. Follow all the human and dragon couples while they overcome the emotional and magical obstacles to achieving their greatest desires. Not all of them want the same things for the same reasons, but they will discover that they all have a common goal. Love is foremost in their minds, but the greatest expression of their love their priority. They want baby dragons. In the end, they will all have to work together for the survival of the race. Will they succeed in ensuring a brighter future for the next generation?

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