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The Lion and the Rose

par Riccardo Bruni

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In sixteenth-century Venice three bodies surface in the dark waters of the Canal Grande. Entrenched in a terrible war with the Turks and caught in a political struggle between power-hungry Pope Alexander VI and the newly elected Doge Loredan, the people of Venice fear that a demon has come to exact divine punishment for their sins. Doge Loredan is determined to find the real culprit before the Pope can turn the people against him. To do so, he hires unorthodox German monk Mathias to investigate the murders. Soon Lorenzo Scarpa, a young printer and nephew to one of the victims, joins in the search. The mystery leads them into Venice's underground printing industry, where they learn of a dangerous book hidden somewhere in the city, a book whose secrets could determine the destiny of the Republic--a book that others are more than willing to kill for.… (plus d'informations)

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Very poor, stilted translation. ( )
  Only2rs | Jul 29, 2018 |
When a translated book seems bland, it is hard to know whether to fault the author or the translator. Here, the translator certainly did the author no favours by injecting modern idioms and a certain breeziness into the book. The author can be faulted too, for not colouring the story with enough detail about life in 16th century Venice. I don't mean that the book should have been cluttered with description, but we hear nothing of eating or drinking or music or culture and the story itself – a search for a politically important artefact - might have been set in any era.

What we are left with is a readable but unexciting mystery set in Venice just before the Protestant Reformation. A valuable and politically explosive book is in the city somewhere and a "devil" is murdering people trying to find it.

As I said, I found it bland, but not objectionable. An average effort, so three stars.

I received a review copy of "The Lion and the Rose" by Riccardo Bruni translated by Aaron Maines (Amazon Crossing) through ( )
  Dokfintong | Nov 28, 2015 |
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In sixteenth-century Venice three bodies surface in the dark waters of the Canal Grande. Entrenched in a terrible war with the Turks and caught in a political struggle between power-hungry Pope Alexander VI and the newly elected Doge Loredan, the people of Venice fear that a demon has come to exact divine punishment for their sins. Doge Loredan is determined to find the real culprit before the Pope can turn the people against him. To do so, he hires unorthodox German monk Mathias to investigate the murders. Soon Lorenzo Scarpa, a young printer and nephew to one of the victims, joins in the search. The mystery leads them into Venice's underground printing industry, where they learn of a dangerous book hidden somewhere in the city, a book whose secrets could determine the destiny of the Republic--a book that others are more than willing to kill for.

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