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Sent: Delivering the Gift of Hope at Christmas (Sent Advent series)

par Jorge Acevedo

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482547,778 (4.25)1
God sent Christ at Christmas. In turn, Christ sends us into the world to be his hands and feet, head and heart. Dynamic pastor Jorge Acevedo leads us on a 5-week Advent journey to discover how, where, and why we are sent. Joining him on the journey are four young clergy including Jacob Armstrong, Rachel Billups, Justin LaRosa, and Lanecia Rouse, who challenge us through story, art, and Bible study.… (plus d'informations)

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I read this book with a group from my church as an Advent study. We often think of Christmas as a celebration of the birth of Jesus over 200 years ago. But just as God sent his son to dwell among man, he also sends us to be Jesus's hands and feet. In this book, Acevedo shares stories of when he and other pastors have seen Jesus at work in their communities, delivering hope at Christmas. ( )
  porch_reader | Dec 21, 2015 |
You can read this little book quickly, and enjoy 5 chapters by five different authors: Jorge Acevedo, Jacob Armstrong, Rachel Billups, Justin LaRosa and Lanecia Rouse. This is meant to be an Advent journey and I suggest that it can be read at any time of the year. One favorite chapter was written by LaRosa, a minister who experienced terror with his wife when she faced a serious medical condition and their son was born very early. In the hospital a woman he had never met before gave LaRosa an angel pin, when he was crying in his darkest hour, and a baby blanket hand knit with love by women they had not met and who had a knitting ministry was placed over their baby’s incubator. These stories show us that God’s grace is everywhere, in our hour of deepest need, and before, and after. ( )
  hangen | Nov 14, 2015 |
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God sent Christ at Christmas. In turn, Christ sends us into the world to be his hands and feet, head and heart. Dynamic pastor Jorge Acevedo leads us on a 5-week Advent journey to discover how, where, and why we are sent. Joining him on the journey are four young clergy including Jacob Armstrong, Rachel Billups, Justin LaRosa, and Lanecia Rouse, who challenge us through story, art, and Bible study.

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4.5 1

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