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Proverbs (Geneva Series of Commentaries) (1846)

par Charles Bridges

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655336,912 (4.21)4
Answering many questions, Bridges' classic insights and carefully abridged and stylistically adapted text give stimulating applications from the lessons of Proverbs. Part of the Crossway Classic Commentaries.

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The best spiritual book I've ever read besides the Bible. Simple, easy to understand, practical, and yet deep. Cannot recommend this book highly enough. I think every Christian should read it and own it. ( )
  sarahashwood | Jun 22, 2018 |
Commentary in the Banner of Truth series; a reprint of the 1846 British edition; from a doctrinally Reformed perspective.,The Crossway Classic Commentaries are invaluable resources for serious students of the Word. New to the series is Charles Bridges' work on Proverbs. Covering small questions and large, this book of the Bible offers advice on every imaginable area. It is a collection of kernels of truth that give the faithful reader a practical understanding of how to live. Bridges' classic insights, carefully abridged and stylistically adapted, provide stimulating applications to the lessons of Proverbs.
  Paul_Brunning | Apr 26, 2016 |
This book has been so profitable to me in my devotional reading! I am learning how to "roast the meat" I gather in "hunting" (Prov. 12:27) so that my soul may "grow fat" rather than desire and have nothing (13:4). I highly recommend it. (Megan S.)
  trinitychurch | Mar 14, 2008 |
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Answering many questions, Bridges' classic insights and carefully abridged and stylistically adapted text give stimulating applications from the lessons of Proverbs. Part of the Crossway Classic Commentaries.

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