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Gods of Chaos (Red Magic)

par Jen McConnel

Séries: Red Magic (2)

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The gods of chaos cannot be trusted. Since battling her best friend, Darlena's grip on Red Magic has been shaky. She heads to Scotland after the Winter Solstice in search of another Red Witch. On a sightseeing excursion with girls from her hostel, Darlena arrives at The Vaults, a mysterious underground city beneath Edinburgh. But there is something there that make Darlena's instincts go haywire, as she lets loose a defensive burst of Red Magic, putting everyone around her in danger. If there was ever a time when Darlena needed the help of another Red witch, it was now. But beware the witch who wields Red Magic.… (plus d'informations)

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10 Things I Loved about Gods of Chaos
Darlena can’t seem to stay out of trouble
Scotland!!!!! (I love this setting)
We get to see even more mythology, include Norse gods
We learn more about Red Magic
Hecate shows how awful she can be
New friendships
Cute boys
Adventures that traverse many places
Emotions come out
Surprises about what is actually going on
( )
  BookishThings | Mar 23, 2016 |
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The gods of chaos cannot be trusted. Since battling her best friend, Darlena's grip on Red Magic has been shaky. She heads to Scotland after the Winter Solstice in search of another Red Witch. On a sightseeing excursion with girls from her hostel, Darlena arrives at The Vaults, a mysterious underground city beneath Edinburgh. But there is something there that make Darlena's instincts go haywire, as she lets loose a defensive burst of Red Magic, putting everyone around her in danger. If there was ever a time when Darlena needed the help of another Red witch, it was now. But beware the witch who wields Red Magic.

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