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Going for Broke: Deficits, Debt, and the Entitlement Crisis

par Michael D. Tanner

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Our growing national debt has dropped out of the headlines recently but that doesn t mean that the problem has gone away. The national debt recently topped $17.5 trillion, and is projected to reach $27 trillion by 2024. Worse yet, if you include the unfunded liabilities of Social Security and Medicare, the U.S. real indebtedness exceeds $83 trillion. Despite these undeniable facts, politicians from both parties continue to avoid making the difficult decisions that must be made. Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid alone account for 48 percent of federal spending today, a portion that will only increase more rapidly with the newest entitlement program, Obamacare. The truth is that there is no way to address America s debt problem without reforming entitlements. Going for Broke provides a critical, in-depth analysis of these entitlement programs and lays out much needed solutions for real reform."… (plus d'informations)

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I consider the Cato Institute's work, Tanner's included, to be consistently top notch in the research and the reason employed. This book upholds that reputation, with a thorough assessment of the United States' outlook for entitlement spending relative to our budget and GDP. It's a thorough and fact-filled work. I left it more knowledgeable and ready for the next conversation where it will help to be grounded in facts. ( )
  jpsnow | Mar 1, 2016 |
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Our growing national debt has dropped out of the headlines recently but that doesn t mean that the problem has gone away. The national debt recently topped $17.5 trillion, and is projected to reach $27 trillion by 2024. Worse yet, if you include the unfunded liabilities of Social Security and Medicare, the U.S. real indebtedness exceeds $83 trillion. Despite these undeniable facts, politicians from both parties continue to avoid making the difficult decisions that must be made. Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid alone account for 48 percent of federal spending today, a portion that will only increase more rapidly with the newest entitlement program, Obamacare. The truth is that there is no way to address America s debt problem without reforming entitlements. Going for Broke provides a critical, in-depth analysis of these entitlement programs and lays out much needed solutions for real reform."

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