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True Stories: Mysteries of crime and…

True Stories: Mysteries of crime and punishment - a short story collection that covers a multitude of sins (édition 2015)

par Richard Milton (Auteur)

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Every story in this book is true - except one. Some tell of crimes that have gone unpunished by the law. Some are crimes against laws that are unwritten. And some are crimes that exist only in the mind. This collection of short stories covers a multitude of sins.Getting away with murder is easy if you know how - even easier if you're a high-flying City trader like Terry Hills and have the help of someone who has been Yakuza trained.Most of us have wanted Peace and quiet at some time in our lives. Simon and Petra found the perfect spot in the country - but there was a reason it was so quiet.Neville's job was keeping the books for dodgy loan-shark Harold Hole. It was a humdrum existence until a mad idea took hold of Neville and wouldn't let him go. It was the ink. The Red ink and green ink.When you've nothing else to live for, all you want is A perfect day to die. Finding one isn't always so easy. Especially when someone else has got the same idea.Everyone has a big secret. Little Freddy Martin's was bigger than most. He could make money appear out of thin air.It's always nice to have A reminder of home. Unless you're a crook who is planning the biggest con of his life - and home is the last thing on your mind.It's the hardest question for every woman. What do you buy For the man who has everything? Especially one who is too wrapped up in his business even to notice. Barrister Isobel Lang found an answer that made a new man out of her husband, Alan.Nothing ever happens in Nogales - it's just a sleepy Mexican border town. As long as you keep your wits about you, that is.When Eric Lowe is made redundant from Sharman Brothers after 20 years loyal service, the last thing he wants is to Spend more time with the family. Eric cooks up a plan to avoid admitting the awful truth to his wife - but it backfires in ways he could never have imagined.Like all representatives in India of Her Britannic Majesty, Queen Victoria, Henry St. John Fitzroy Outram always kept A stiff upper lip, even under the most trying circumstances. But would he be able to manage the banquet given in his honour by His Highness, the Maharaja of Kathiawar?Life as a woman's journalist held plenty of surprises for Jay. When she found the ancient stenograph machine with its dusty old records of long ago court cases she found she was poking her nose into a case of Breach of promise - with consequences no-one could have predicted.Wherever Maddy Beale worked, she always stole something as a point of honour - Something worth stealing. When she got a position with the Earl and Countess of Marske, she stole something bigger than she had ever imagined possible.One of the more delicate tasks of the Dean of Westminster Abbey is to provide a fit and proper Place to rest for the great and the good. But some people, however famous, are simply beyond the pale.Derek and Maureene had their heart set on running their own pub - Maureene wanted nothing more than to stand proudly behind the bar serving customers. Eventually, they found a perfect jewel of a country pub - The Red Cow. There was just one problem . . .Some men manage to get it all - the good things in life just fall into their lap. It was like that with Chief Inspector Ray Hedges. A beautiful young wife and a fortune in property meant he could leave the Metropolitan Police and live a life of luxury. Of course, there was still that one Loose End.Some lies are so big they can put you behind bars if you're caught out. Maria Childs had told the lie out of harsh necessity and now it was coming back to haunt her - and it was all because of the Recipe for marmalade.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:True Stories: Mysteries of crime and punishment - a short story collection that covers a multitude of sins
Auteurs:Richard Milton (Auteur)
Info:(2015), 165 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

Information sur l'oeuvre

True Stories: Mysteries of crime and punishment - a short story collection that covers a multitude of sins par Richard Milton


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5 sur 5
He's a really good writer, I was pulled in to most of these short story worlds, even the obviously not true story was very good, so he can obviously write very good fiction and pseudo non fiction (I'm just assuming he took liberties with the true stories to make them entertaining, if not you have very interesting friends!) Overall a pretty good collection.

I won this from a goodreads giveaway ( )
  cdevine18 | Sep 17, 2017 |
Cette critique a été rédigée pour LibraryThing Member Giveaways.
I was given this book in exchange for a free review. What a gem! All stories are extremely well written. They remind me of"the gift of the magi" only with crime. The author claims that all stories are true except one, but I'd take that tongue in cheek. Great stories and well worth the read. Get this book! ( )
  Jandbmcnamee | Jul 24, 2015 |
Cette critique a été rédigée pour LibraryThing Member Giveaways.
Great book to read for a short stories ( )
  Reading25 | Jul 8, 2015 |
Cette critique a été rédigée pour LibraryThing Member Giveaways.
True Stories is a book of short stories, each concerning a crime that has gone unpunished. These stories are both interesting and fascinating to read. I found the book hard to put down once I got started. It amazed me what people will do—and amazed me more that they got away with it all! I also found it very interesting that all but one are true stories. No, I did not figure out which one was not true. I honestly did not try. I became too caught up in the stories themselves. Getting away with murder, living in a strange, unusually quiet place, the ability to get money easily, a quiet little Mexican border town—the list with hints about the story content goes on and on. These are interesting stories and what makes them more interesting is the fact that the perpetrators got away scot free. I would never have even tried most of the acts the characters did. The book is rather short, making going through it quite easy. The author’s style and writing is superb. I only hope that there is more of this in the future, because I thoroughly enjoyed reading this one. This will appeal to most readers, but especially to those who enjoy reading about true crime. It is also a short one for those looking for something that is not too long. It will make the reader wonder about some of the very normal actions and events that occur every day. I recommend it. You can read it in batches because it is filled with short stories. I received this from Library Thing to read and review. ( )
  KMT01 | Jul 8, 2015 |
Cette critique a été rédigée pour LibraryThing Member Giveaways.
I was given this book in exchange for a review. Normally short stories are not my favourite form of reading but I loved it; shades of Alfred Hitchcock. I couldn't tell which one was not true. Each was different from the other. Great book, worth reading. ( )
  scot2 | Jun 18, 2015 |
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Every story in this book is true - except one. Some tell of crimes that have gone unpunished by the law. Some are crimes against laws that are unwritten. And some are crimes that exist only in the mind. This collection of short stories covers a multitude of sins.Getting away with murder is easy if you know how - even easier if you're a high-flying City trader like Terry Hills and have the help of someone who has been Yakuza trained.Most of us have wanted Peace and quiet at some time in our lives. Simon and Petra found the perfect spot in the country - but there was a reason it was so quiet.Neville's job was keeping the books for dodgy loan-shark Harold Hole. It was a humdrum existence until a mad idea took hold of Neville and wouldn't let him go. It was the ink. The Red ink and green ink.When you've nothing else to live for, all you want is A perfect day to die. Finding one isn't always so easy. Especially when someone else has got the same idea.Everyone has a big secret. Little Freddy Martin's was bigger than most. He could make money appear out of thin air.It's always nice to have A reminder of home. Unless you're a crook who is planning the biggest con of his life - and home is the last thing on your mind.It's the hardest question for every woman. What do you buy For the man who has everything? Especially one who is too wrapped up in his business even to notice. Barrister Isobel Lang found an answer that made a new man out of her husband, Alan.Nothing ever happens in Nogales - it's just a sleepy Mexican border town. As long as you keep your wits about you, that is.When Eric Lowe is made redundant from Sharman Brothers after 20 years loyal service, the last thing he wants is to Spend more time with the family. Eric cooks up a plan to avoid admitting the awful truth to his wife - but it backfires in ways he could never have imagined.Like all representatives in India of Her Britannic Majesty, Queen Victoria, Henry St. John Fitzroy Outram always kept A stiff upper lip, even under the most trying circumstances. But would he be able to manage the banquet given in his honour by His Highness, the Maharaja of Kathiawar?Life as a woman's journalist held plenty of surprises for Jay. When she found the ancient stenograph machine with its dusty old records of long ago court cases she found she was poking her nose into a case of Breach of promise - with consequences no-one could have predicted.Wherever Maddy Beale worked, she always stole something as a point of honour - Something worth stealing. When she got a position with the Earl and Countess of Marske, she stole something bigger than she had ever imagined possible.One of the more delicate tasks of the Dean of Westminster Abbey is to provide a fit and proper Place to rest for the great and the good. But some people, however famous, are simply beyond the pale.Derek and Maureene had their heart set on running their own pub - Maureene wanted nothing more than to stand proudly behind the bar serving customers. Eventually, they found a perfect jewel of a country pub - The Red Cow. There was just one problem . . .Some men manage to get it all - the good things in life just fall into their lap. It was like that with Chief Inspector Ray Hedges. A beautiful young wife and a fortune in property meant he could leave the Metropolitan Police and live a life of luxury. Of course, there was still that one Loose End.Some lies are so big they can put you behind bars if you're caught out. Maria Childs had told the lie out of harsh necessity and now it was coming back to haunt her - and it was all because of the Recipe for marmalade.

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Richard Milton est un auteur LibraryThing, c'est-à-dire un auteur qui catalogue sa bibliothèque personnelle sur LibraryThing.

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