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Why You SUCK at Network Marketing

par Niquenya D. Fulbright

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President and CEO of Building Bridges Consulting, Coach Niquenya D. Fulbright, explains exactly why the average network marketer completely fails at multi-level marketing opportunities. Coach Niquenya provides an overview of the top 4 critical mistakes that network marketers make to S.U.C.K. so badly at making any profits. She also shares a proven process she uses and teaches to her entrepreneur clients to ensure their success. This book is the perfect sales guide for both network marketers and other business owners who want to increase their ability to attract and convert prospects into paying customers.This book is for network marketers, multi-level marketing teams, sales people, and any entrepreneur seeking to catapult their long-term business success by following a scalable, sustainable, and profitable business model.Here's what one reader had to say about the book:"Why You SUCK At Network Marketing" is an eye-opening and enlightening read. In this book, Coach Niquenya thoroughly outlines the challenges that plague most Network Marketers and Entrepreneurs alike. What's so fascinating about this book is that as you read it you feel like you've expressed your pains and problems to her personally and she is giving you a clear cut plan to overcome them. Her witty style of writing is very entertaining and the stories she shares really help you to understand the key points she outlines in the book. I would recommend this book to any network marketer, business owner, or aspiring entrepreneur. This book is one investment that will pay off in tremendous dividends! ~Cierra Cole, Graphic Designer - Cierra Cole Consulting… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parErmina, Terrell_Solano, Niquenya

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This is my book so I can't be completely unbiased about it; however, I think it is an amazing read for those who are just starting off as business owners or even seasoned professionals. Most people get their first taste of entrepreneurship through a network marketing (MLM) company like Avon, LegalShield, Paycation, WorldVentures, Young Living, Amway, etc. What I have found is that most people completely fail at network marketing because they don't really understand what this term means nor how to do it. In this book, I really break it down into simple steps on exactly what mistakes are being made and how to do things better.

If you want more one-on-one direction on how to grow your business, I welcome the opportunity to talk with you. Check out my Building Bridges Consulting ( )
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  Niquenya | Apr 3, 2015 |
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President and CEO of Building Bridges Consulting, Coach Niquenya D. Fulbright, explains exactly why the average network marketer completely fails at multi-level marketing opportunities. Coach Niquenya provides an overview of the top 4 critical mistakes that network marketers make to S.U.C.K. so badly at making any profits. She also shares a proven process she uses and teaches to her entrepreneur clients to ensure their success. This book is the perfect sales guide for both network marketers and other business owners who want to increase their ability to attract and convert prospects into paying customers.This book is for network marketers, multi-level marketing teams, sales people, and any entrepreneur seeking to catapult their long-term business success by following a scalable, sustainable, and profitable business model.Here's what one reader had to say about the book:"Why You SUCK At Network Marketing" is an eye-opening and enlightening read. In this book, Coach Niquenya thoroughly outlines the challenges that plague most Network Marketers and Entrepreneurs alike. What's so fascinating about this book is that as you read it you feel like you've expressed your pains and problems to her personally and she is giving you a clear cut plan to overcome them. Her witty style of writing is very entertaining and the stories she shares really help you to understand the key points she outlines in the book. I would recommend this book to any network marketer, business owner, or aspiring entrepreneur. This book is one investment that will pay off in tremendous dividends! ~Cierra Cole, Graphic Designer - Cierra Cole Consulting

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