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Public Displays of Affection par Dana Renee

Public Displays of Affection (édition 2015)

par Dana Renee (Auteur)

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962,041,512 (3.83)Aucun
Titre:Public Displays of Affection
Auteurs:Dana Renee (Auteur)
Info:Ravynheart Romance (2015), 40 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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Public Displays of Affection par Dana Renee

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Cette critique a été rédigée pour LibraryThing Member Giveaways.
I received this book in exchange for an honest review. This book is a cute, quick and steamy romance about a couple not really a couple and not really going forward to being a couple until an opal ring and some public displays of affection. Great funny quick read and don't forget steamy too! ( )
  thicks | Sep 2, 2015 |
Cette critique a été rédigée pour LibraryThing Member Giveaways.
I received this book in exchange for a free review. This story is steamy from beginning to end. This takes the uncertainty that a protagonist in a romance usually has and creates a storyline. The characters were believable although the male protagonist changes drastically to get his girl. All in all, a good, steamy, short book. ( )
  Jandbmcnamee | Jul 24, 2015 |
Cette critique a été rédigée pour LibraryThing Member Giveaways.
Now that was just quick and yummy! Exhibitionism would never be something I was comfortable doing or watching, but reading it was just hot! Tired of feeling like a dirty little secret, Lacey is insisting that Andy go public with her. At the same time, her gift fromhim seems to be having a very perfectly timed effect on them both. Cute, unique story with just the perfect amount of spice.

ARC provided in exchange for honest review. ( )
  MEDavis66 | Jun 25, 2015 |
Cette critique a été rédigée pour LibraryThing Member Giveaways.
A great short story. Lacey has been in love with Andy forever but he never wants to be seen out with her. She can't take much more as she wants to be more than just his occasionally lover. Will see get Andy to see what is happening or will he be too scared to show her off. Andy has no idea that she feels this way and he doesn't want to lose her. He will just need to up his game. A nice easy read which was enjoyable. ( )
  Lillian-Maddocks9389 | Jun 20, 2015 |
Cette critique a été rédigée pour LibraryThing Member Giveaways.
t was ok. The "quotes" really pulled me out of the story at times and I admittedly couldn't stop laughing at all of the lines. Still, it was an interesting concept, though very simplistic and short. It just wasn't for me, I guess. ( )
  RCW | Jun 19, 2015 |
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