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12 Daves of Christmas

par Juliet Madison

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423,516,283 (4.5)Aucun
A beautiful, uplifting holiday story from bestselling author Juliet Madison about a lonely writer, her grandmother's ghost, a road trip, and twelve different Daves. Abby Solomon may write happy - ever - afters for a living, but doesn't believe she'll have her own. But then a surprise visit from her grandmother's ghost sets her off on a journey she'll never forget. Grandma Charlotte wants to find her first love, Dave, who she mistakenly thought had died in World War II. A quick trawl through the Yellow Pages yields a list of twelve possibilities, and Abby and Charlotte set off on a Christmas road trip - twelve Daves over twelve days along the sun - drenched east coast of Australia. With just over a week to make the meeting happen, Abby has to meet a dozen Daves - some sweet, some quirky, some downright dangerous - while trying to honour her book deadline and enduring the awkward challenges of having a ghost as a travelling companion. But when she comes across a young doctor who looks like the hero in one of her novels, Abby has the chance to discover that true love transcends time and space, and that happy endings aren't only to be found between the pages of a book.… (plus d'informations)

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Romance Novel author Abby is in a bit of a funk. Her grandmother has died, she's lamenting her flagging love life, and has a book deadline is looming large. When she opens the package from her grandmother's estate, she comes across an old pocket watch and a love letter from a man called Dave. The ghost of her grandmother appears and convinces Abby to help her on her quest to find Dave so that she can move on. This is an easy to read, light and entertaining book. A great, no effort option to help you through COVID lockdown. ( )
  SarahEBear | Jul 24, 2020 |
Juliet Madison’s novels are always original, full of funny moments and yet never fail to pull at my heartstrings. 12 Daves of Christmas is a fun story that combines Christmas cheer with a road trip with a ghost. Sound weird? It’s not. The whole story works beautifully to capture the special bond between grandparent and grandchild in as well as the hunt for true love.

Juliet had me as soon as she introduced her heroine, Abby Solomon. She’s a romance writer with a serious potato chip addiction (sounds like my dream job). Lucky on the page, sadly Abby’s not lucky when it comes to real life love. Just before Christmas, she’s missing her recently deceased grandmother when she hears a familiar voice. It’s the ghost of her grandma, asking Abby for help with one last quest – to find her lost love from the war. Dave Smith’s not in heaven, so he must still be alive. Narrowing down the search isn’t easy, but Abby and her grandma find 12 likely candidates and head off on a road trip, one Dave per day. Having a ghost as a companion is a great springboard for lots of funny scenes, as is knocking on the door of total strangers. How could the Daves be so different? But there’s one Dave they didn’t count on, and now he’s seen Abby buying knickers after a freak accident involving Santa, ice cream and a candy cane…

Juliet Madison’s writing never fails to bring a smile to my face. There are always crazy moments (see above) that are laugh out loud funny but what I really love is how these are combined with some really sweet moments that bring a tear to my eye. The love story between Dave and Abby’s grandma, Charlie is just gorgeous and so well done. Plus Abby’s encounter with another Dave is pretty good too! My only problem is that I find Juliet’s books unputdownable so I read them quickly and have to wait for her next book!

This would be a lovely story to read on Christmas afternoon to celebrate your relatives past and plaster a smile on your face before the next food feast!

Thank you to Escape Publishing for the eARC. My review is honest and unbiased. ( )
  birdsam0610 | Dec 6, 2014 |
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A beautiful, uplifting holiday story from bestselling author Juliet Madison about a lonely writer, her grandmother's ghost, a road trip, and twelve different Daves. Abby Solomon may write happy - ever - afters for a living, but doesn't believe she'll have her own. But then a surprise visit from her grandmother's ghost sets her off on a journey she'll never forget. Grandma Charlotte wants to find her first love, Dave, who she mistakenly thought had died in World War II. A quick trawl through the Yellow Pages yields a list of twelve possibilities, and Abby and Charlotte set off on a Christmas road trip - twelve Daves over twelve days along the sun - drenched east coast of Australia. With just over a week to make the meeting happen, Abby has to meet a dozen Daves - some sweet, some quirky, some downright dangerous - while trying to honour her book deadline and enduring the awkward challenges of having a ghost as a travelling companion. But when she comes across a young doctor who looks like the hero in one of her novels, Abby has the chance to discover that true love transcends time and space, and that happy endings aren't only to be found between the pages of a book.

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