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Agents of the Apocalypse: A Riveting Look at the Key Players of the End Times

par David Jeremiah

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362273,815 (4.09)4
Who Will Usher in Earth's Final Days? Are we living in the end times? Is it possible that the players depicted in the book of Revelation could be out in force today? And if they are, would you know how to recognize them?----In Agents of the Apocalypse, noted prophecy expert Dr. David Jeremiah does what no prophecy expert has done before. He explores the book of Revelation through the lens of its major players--the exiled, the martyrs, the elders, the victor, the king, the judge, the 144,000, the witnesses, the false prophet, and the beast.----One by one, Dr. Jeremiah delves into their individual personalities and motives, and the role that each plays in biblical prophecy. Then he provides readers with the critical clues and information needed to recognize their presence and power in the world today.----The stage is set, and the curtain is about to rise on Earth's final act. Will you be ready?… (plus d'informations)

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With an odd mixture of a fictitious story and commentary on biblical passages relating to the end times, this book just didn't work as well for me as Jeremiah's books normally do. I really didn't enjoy the fictitious portion of the book, but I appreciate the author's insights into the Bible. While I realize he was trying to portray the passages in a way they could possibly play out in 21st century America, the book just didn't work. I'm not sure if it's because of the lapse of time between the book's authorship and the present day along with all that transpired in the intervening years or something else that caused the dislike of the fictitious story. I think I'd prefer to read the author's works on end times that do not include a fictitious element. ( )
  thornton37814 | Sep 28, 2021 |
I would have given this 5 stars for the chapters dealing with Heaven and Hell alone...but after reading Agents of Babylon which was even better, I have amended this rating to 4 stars.

The author has brought some possible end times scenarios to life with his fictional tales. He then explains each of the fictional stories using Scripture to back them up. He makes it clear that these are only possible scenarios and that there is much about the end times that we just don't know. He has the rapture of the church before the tribulation in his order of events.

This book is ideal for someone struggling to understand the prophecies in Daniel or the symbolism in Revelation. The stories help the reader to visualise end time events. Even though some details may not be entirely accurate due to there being many unknowns and some disputed facts, it is still effective in forcing the reader to acknowledge that these events will happen and that they are a reality for us now. It is easy to think of end time events almost as a fairy story like some think of the devil in a red costume with horns. It is also easy to live our distracted lives without paying any attention to what we should be preparing for. But the Bible tells us to be ready.

The style of this book is unusual but works well. The book is clean-there is no bad language or sexual content, there is some violence associated with the tribulation. The chapter on Hell, specifically certain passages, may disturb some readers, but the terrors and hopelessness of Hell are a reality and being reminded of it might spur people to greater evangelistic efforts.

I recommend this book highly as I believe it will get people thinking and hopefully preparing themselves for what is to come. ( )
  sparkleandchico | Jun 2, 2017 |
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Who Will Usher in Earth's Final Days? Are we living in the end times? Is it possible that the players depicted in the book of Revelation could be out in force today? And if they are, would you know how to recognize them?----In Agents of the Apocalypse, noted prophecy expert Dr. David Jeremiah does what no prophecy expert has done before. He explores the book of Revelation through the lens of its major players--the exiled, the martyrs, the elders, the victor, the king, the judge, the 144,000, the witnesses, the false prophet, and the beast.----One by one, Dr. Jeremiah delves into their individual personalities and motives, and the role that each plays in biblical prophecy. Then he provides readers with the critical clues and information needed to recognize their presence and power in the world today.----The stage is set, and the curtain is about to rise on Earth's final act. Will you be ready?

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