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Dare to Kiss

par S. B. Alexander

Séries: Maxwell Series (book 1)

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263916,929 (3.5)1
His touch gave her hope.Baseball phenom Lacey Robinson is stricken with nightmares and panic attacks after losing her mom and sister. A move across the country gives her renewed purpose and hope that she can again play her beloved sport. All she needs to do is try out for the boys' baseball team. She's focused and determined to accomplish her goal until she meets sexy Kade Maxwell. He's a distraction she doesn't need.Kade Maxwell has worked tirelessly to keep his family together since the death of his baby sister. When he goes in search of his brother, he isn't prepared to find a gun pointed at his head by one of the most beautiful girls he's ever seen. Kade vows to win Lacey's heart, but a violent rival from his past returns to town, putting his plans in jeopardy.Lacey and Kade must dare to fight so they can forge a future together.Strong language. Adult content. Intended for audiences 17 years and older.… (plus d'informations)

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I like this book once I got into it but I put it down three times before I managed to finish it. It was good but super draggy. I think it could be a great book but it needs quite a bit of editing to get there unfortunately. Great characters but if the story could be streamlined the book as a whole would be immensely improved. ( )
  KateKat11 | Sep 24, 2021 |
Loved this book, immediately downloaded the next one and dived right in.

Those Maxwell boys, mmmm!
( )
  TerriBowles | Jun 26, 2016 |
A year after suffering a tragedy that took her mother and sister, seventeen year old Lacey Robinson and father James move from their LA, California home clear across the country to Ashford, Massachusetts to start their life over. Lacey, James and older brother Rob each struggle with the grief from their loss, especially Lacey who was diagnosed with PTSD. The move is the Robinson's way to get their life back on track, and for Lacey it is a chance to win a scholarship to Arizona State University if she can make the boys baseball team. But someone doesn't want her on the baseball team, and when her PTSD kicks into high gear, a sexy bad boy named Kade Maxwell wants to make her his, can she get her life in gear and dare to kiss again?

In the first book of The Maxwell Series, Dare to Kiss, author S.B. Alexander weaves a compelling young adult novel with a baseball theme that easily draws the reader into Lacey and Kade's story.

This is an emotional story that has a great mixture of drama, romance, suspense, and humor. The author thoughtfully delves into the Robinson family's grief and struggle to restart their life, with the focus on Lacey's PTSD diagnosis and her determination to get her life back on track and earn a college baseball scholarship, and the development of her relationship with bad boy Kade Maxwell and his triple brothers: Kelton, Kross, and Kody.

As a baseball fan, I can appreciate Lacey's love of the game, she's a sassy girl who meets her match when bad boy Kade enters her life just when she needs it the most. Their story has drama mixed with intrigue, they are both broken but strong people who are dealing with troubled pasts, and as they connect their humorous relationship develops with a sizzling chemistry, and they give each other a much needed boost, a sense of trust, and a sweet romance that will leave a smile on your face.

I really enjoyed the intertwining of Lacey and Kade's romance with the intriguing mystery about the last girl who was on the boys baseball team, it kept me engaged and sitting on the edge of my seat as I turned the pages. I would be remiss if I didn't mention that I loved the Maxwell brothers, these fun loving bad boys stole my heart, I can't wait to read more about them in the next books in The Maxwell Series!

If you are a fan of sports themed YA romance novels, Dare to Kiss is an enjoyable story that will leave you wanting more from the Maxwell brothers!

Disclaimer: I received a copy of the book from the author via NetGalley in exchange for my honest review and participation in a virtual book tour event hosted by JKS Communications. ( )
  JerseyGirlBookReview | Oct 3, 2014 |
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His touch gave her hope.Baseball phenom Lacey Robinson is stricken with nightmares and panic attacks after losing her mom and sister. A move across the country gives her renewed purpose and hope that she can again play her beloved sport. All she needs to do is try out for the boys' baseball team. She's focused and determined to accomplish her goal until she meets sexy Kade Maxwell. He's a distraction she doesn't need.Kade Maxwell has worked tirelessly to keep his family together since the death of his baby sister. When he goes in search of his brother, he isn't prepared to find a gun pointed at his head by one of the most beautiful girls he's ever seen. Kade vows to win Lacey's heart, but a violent rival from his past returns to town, putting his plans in jeopardy.Lacey and Kade must dare to fight so they can forge a future together.Strong language. Adult content. Intended for audiences 17 years and older.

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S. B. Alexander est un auteur LibraryThing, c'est-à-dire un auteur qui catalogue sa bibliothèque personnelle sur LibraryThing.

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