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With Every Heartbeat

par Linda Kage

Séries: Forbidden Men (4)

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I used to think everything was black and white, truth or lie, easy or hard, that if I could just escape my strict, overbearing, abusive father, my life would be perfect. But since I've found a reason to risk his wrath and leave, to help a friend in need, I've come to realize everything I thought I knew is wrong.Friends have their own agenda, honesty comes with a dosage of lie, easy doesn't even exist, keeping secrets sucks, and is the most painful thing of all.Maybe if Quinn Hamilton hadn't asked me to skip classes for the day and help him pick out an engagement ring for my best friend, I wouldn't have fallen for him so completely on that sunny Tuesday afternoon and I wouldn't feel so conflicted. But I did, and I can't take it back, no matter how hard I try. So I have to deal with the fact that even I'm not as good, or honest, or caring as I'd always thought I was, and no matter what I do next, someone's going to get hurt. Probably me.-Zoey Blakeland… (plus d'informations)

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Mais um livro da série Forbidden Men, desta vez a história é entre uma rapariga que quer salvar a sua melhor amiga, mas acaba por apaixonar-se pelo namorado dela! Parece uma boa salvação (aquele sarcasmo óbvio!).

Em termos de escrita e construção da história gostei muito deste livro, MAS achei que fosse um pouco irritante! Explico porquê: eu percebo que há pessoas como a Zoey, mas faz me imensa confusão quando as pessoas estão constantemente a tomar decisões eradas, e quando finalmente achas que vai tomar a decisão certa, adivinhem! Acha que está a fazer mal... Volto a repetir, sem dúvida que existem pessoas assim, mas para efeitos de livro, acaba por ser cansativo não ver a personagem principal a evoluir.

Gostei muito da química (quer dizer - biologia) entre a Zoey e o Quinn, e a maneira como eles interagiam um com o outro. Contudo, achei o livro um pouco puxado para o meu gosto, porque as persongens foram demasiado óbvias. A Zoey é a boa samaritana que nunca pode desiludir ninguém e nunca pode cometer um erro, enquanto o Quinn um rapaz lindo mas super envergonhado, mas só quando convém... São um pouco confusas as personagens, mas foi bom ler como estão os casais dos livros anteriores.

No geral, o livro foi lento em algumas partes e demasiado rápido nas outras. Mas já reparei que isso é uma tendência nesta série. ( )
  Hanna_Rybchynska | Apr 29, 2022 |
Each book in the Forbidden series has dealt with a forbidden love. Each of the stories is not a conventional love story. With Every Heartbeat is no exception. At first you think how is this going to work – The main male character is dating the main female’s character’s best friend. But if you’ve ever read a Linda Kage book things are not always as they seem and there are some shocking revelations that happen by the end of this book.

Quinn and Zoey are the sweetest characters. Both came from abusive parents whose personality are more reserved and in a way shy. Another thing they have in common is their devotion to their friends. Zoey only has her childhood friend Cora when the book starts out. When she joins her at college she is surprised in the changes in her friend. But her promise to her friend that she would give her a life saving transplant even though Cora isn’t living her life like a person who needs a kidney. She’s instead living it like an out of control party girl who doesn’t care about other’s feelings. Yes Quinn and Zoey are attracted to each other but neither act on that out of their sense of conscience. But they do form a great friendship due to many things they have in common. There is no cheating here and by the time all things are revealed everyone ends up where they should be.

All of the characters from the previous books are back as they all either work together or most of the males are all on the college football team together. Zoey and Noel’s sister Caroline become good friends through this book and as her book is up next It was good getting to know her now as a college freshman. Ten was also a huge presence throughout this book and we are learning that the insensitive man-whore we all through Ten to be may just be an act/coping mechanism for a past we don’t know about yet. He proves himself to be a great friend to Quinn and Zoey and a protector to Caroline.

Manipulation and betrayal play a huge part of this book and its always the innocent who pay the price. If you think by reading the blurb for this book you know who/what that is your wrong.. Very excited now to read Ten and Caroline’s story which is next in the series.
( )
  CindySnS | Oct 26, 2016 |


1. The other woman:
- His girlfriend - aka Freddy Krueger with boobs
- Typical bad girl with a damaged childhood no one should have to endure
- She hasn’t risen above it and has become detestable, unfaithful, controlling,
- Truly evil incarnate
- Sleeps around without a thought for her health nor that of her partners
I remember thinking that should she get her own book in this series, I wouldn’t read it cos I didn’t WANT her redeemed. I wanted her to rot in her vileness until the end of time – so heinous are the crimes she commits.

2. The Hero:
- The author keeps him true to his character in the previous books
- A desperate-to-belong-to-someone hero
- Falls over his feet to please the ow
- Puppy loves/adores his less than endearing gf. With wide-eyed enthusiasm
-Sleeps with/is with her until more than halfway into the book
- Betrays his gf by encouraging an intense emotional connection with the h
- About to ask ow to marry him
- Is truly blindsided by her betrayal
- Strings the h along throughout the book
- Then rejects her, judges her, betrays her when she needs him most

3. The Heroine:
- The ow’s bestie
- Sweet, downtrodden, I'll-take-my-crush-any-way-I-can heroine
- Betrays the ow
- Stupidly allows unprotected sex and contracts an infection

-Mrs Robinson, the evil controlling ow
-Christian, the vulnerable H becomes quite the accomplished dominant lover
-Ana, the innocent h

I enjoyed all the college angst and drama (LOTS of other plots and twists I didn’t see coming) and the secondary characters. Hated the romantic-lovey-dovey feelings the H had for the ow (we get his pov and he’s quite addicted to her). The bond I feel between the Hxh is merely UST and erotic, no soul-mate hea love. ( )
  BeegPanda | Aug 2, 2015 |
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I used to think everything was black and white, truth or lie, easy or hard, that if I could just escape my strict, overbearing, abusive father, my life would be perfect. But since I've found a reason to risk his wrath and leave, to help a friend in need, I've come to realize everything I thought I knew is wrong.Friends have their own agenda, honesty comes with a dosage of lie, easy doesn't even exist, keeping secrets sucks, and is the most painful thing of all.Maybe if Quinn Hamilton hadn't asked me to skip classes for the day and help him pick out an engagement ring for my best friend, I wouldn't have fallen for him so completely on that sunny Tuesday afternoon and I wouldn't feel so conflicted. But I did, and I can't take it back, no matter how hard I try. So I have to deal with the fact that even I'm not as good, or honest, or caring as I'd always thought I was, and no matter what I do next, someone's going to get hurt. Probably me.-Zoey Blakeland

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Linda Kage est un auteur LibraryThing, c'est-à-dire un auteur qui catalogue sa bibliothèque personnelle sur LibraryThing.

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