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The Good Life: Up the Yukon Without a Paddle

par Dorian Amos

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The absolutely inspiring true tale of a young couple who gave up the "good life" in England to start a new life in the wilderness of the Yukon Dorian Amos—a painter from Cornwall—and his wife decided that they were in need of adventure, so they gave up their comfortable life and traveled to Yukon Territory in the remote Canadian wilderness. Told by Dorian with warmth and humor, this is the compelling account of their adventures. Buying a piece of land in the forest just outside Dawson City, they revel in the stark beauty of the landscape and the liberation they feel from the mundanity of their former home—crossing frozen rivers just to buy food, hunting caribou, coming face to face with bears, and building their own log cabin. The perfect tale for anyone feeling that there must be more to life, their story will convince readers to stop putting their dreams on hold.… (plus d'informations)

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Dorian Amos was a cartoonist from Cornwall, he and his wife decided that they were in need of adventure, so they gave up their comfortable life and traveled to Yukon Territory in the remote Canadian wilderness. I found myself aghast at some of the really, really stupid and irresponsible things they did, it is a wonder they survived, BUT they had an unshakable belief in their dream to live in the Yukon and they did not give up at all in following that dream – though they did think about it.
  sally906 | Apr 3, 2013 |
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The absolutely inspiring true tale of a young couple who gave up the "good life" in England to start a new life in the wilderness of the Yukon Dorian Amos—a painter from Cornwall—and his wife decided that they were in need of adventure, so they gave up their comfortable life and traveled to Yukon Territory in the remote Canadian wilderness. Told by Dorian with warmth and humor, this is the compelling account of their adventures. Buying a piece of land in the forest just outside Dawson City, they revel in the stark beauty of the landscape and the liberation they feel from the mundanity of their former home—crossing frozen rivers just to buy food, hunting caribou, coming face to face with bears, and building their own log cabin. The perfect tale for anyone feeling that there must be more to life, their story will convince readers to stop putting their dreams on hold.

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Moyenne: (4.21)
3 3
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5 6

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