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1357209,468 (2.75)1
Kat Stevens is a slightly insecure, mostly bored technical writer who likes her cat a lot more than her boss. She hasn't laid eyes on her great aunt Abigail since she was eight, so she's stumped when she inherits Abigail's house in the small hamlet of Alpine Grove.Kat's uncomplicated life gets decidedly less so when she discovers the inheritance comes with some hairy conditions: four dogs and five cats that her aunt wanted her to love as her own. Of course, the house smells like a barn--with a touch of antique skunk--and, naturally, has serious roof issues. And that's before the three-legged cat gets stuck in the wall and the shower goes kablooey.When Kat meets Joel, an unemployed techie type with no love lost for his sister, Kat looks past his obvious flaws, given his timely and desirable skill set: a talent for fixing things (and his own tools).Despite out-of-control dogs, cat fights, dust dinosaurs, massive spiders and an old grizzled hippie passed out in the yard, Kat discovers the tranquility of the forests of Alpine Grove starting to seep into her soul.And why she can't she stop thinking about Joel?… (plus d'informations)

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pets, inheritance, insecurity, small-town, friendship, family-dynamics *****

What fun! Along the lines of If Anything Can Go Wrong It Will, but in a hilarious way. The idiot boss, the peculiar inheritance, the flamboyant friend, the perils of small town gossip, and all the eccentric dogs! Great antidote to reality! ( )
  jetangen4571 | May 3, 2019 |
Enjoyed it. A fun read. Characters came off real. Would have liked a little more expansion to the story. ( )
  Greymowser | Jul 3, 2017 |
Light romantic comedy in the hill country. ( )
  KateBaxter | Jan 21, 2017 |
If you like romances that are light-hearted and amusing, you will enjoy this- especially if the antics of dogs amuse you!

Events conspire to upend Kat's life, from the boring predictability of a fairly boring apartment and a tedious tech writing job in which she is both overworked and unappreciated. And then- she inherits a house on the outskirts of a small town, which turns out to be falling apart, with a dead "varmint" in the walls lending its perfume, and complete with 9 eccentric animals (4 dogs, 5 cats, though the dogs are more prominent).

Complications ensue since she can only inherit IF her aunt's best friend approves her care of the animals- and she has her own family historical reasons for viewing Kat with a stink-eye.

And then there's Joel...

This was a fun, light romance featuring dogs (mostly), and will appeal to anyone who wants a breezy read. ( )
  cissa | Jul 24, 2016 |
I actually kinda liked the idea behind the story, but I could not get into the book. It was horribly written and edited. For example, When Kat set up a dinner 'date' with Larry to go over the will, the phone call ended with Larry saying "I'll pick you up at seven".(Pg. 177; Kindle). And then she goes to the restaurant by herself " Thank goodness she had driven her own car to the restaurant, thus averting a long uncomfortable drive back out to Chez Stinky..."(Pg. 192; Kindle).

There were quite a few instances where it looks like a thesaurus was used to expand the vocabulary of the novel, this made reading extremely difficult as the words were not used in the proper context.

Also, what was with the hating on girls whose names were spelt with an 'i' at the end.

To top it off the book just ends. No cliffhanger, no conclusion, just ends. I mean, there was an Epilogue, but it wasn't really.

Overall, I would not recommend anyone read this unless the want to get a headache. ( )
  momma182 | Jun 23, 2015 |
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Kat Stevens is a slightly insecure, mostly bored technical writer who likes her cat a lot more than her boss. She hasn't laid eyes on her great aunt Abigail since she was eight, so she's stumped when she inherits Abigail's house in the small hamlet of Alpine Grove.Kat's uncomplicated life gets decidedly less so when she discovers the inheritance comes with some hairy conditions: four dogs and five cats that her aunt wanted her to love as her own. Of course, the house smells like a barn--with a touch of antique skunk--and, naturally, has serious roof issues. And that's before the three-legged cat gets stuck in the wall and the shower goes kablooey.When Kat meets Joel, an unemployed techie type with no love lost for his sister, Kat looks past his obvious flaws, given his timely and desirable skill set: a talent for fixing things (and his own tools).Despite out-of-control dogs, cat fights, dust dinosaurs, massive spiders and an old grizzled hippie passed out in the yard, Kat discovers the tranquility of the forests of Alpine Grove starting to seep into her soul.And why she can't she stop thinking about Joel?

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