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Ruby Falls

par Nicole James

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When late one night an injured and bleeding woman stumbles up the drive toward Steve Garrett's farmhouse, he's shocked. But not as shocked as when she tells him she doesn't remember anything, not even her own name. After getting her medical attention, he finds out that she'll be sent to a women's shelter until police can determine her identity. Instead, Steve offers her room and board in exchange for some cooking and cleaning, while she waits for her memory to return. The search for her identity takes longer than either expected, moving from weeks to months, and an attraction builds between them. As she searches for her identity, she may uncover more than she bargained for. The sleepy southern town of Ruby Falls holds dark secrets of its own. Will love be enough to save her, when she uncovers the truth about what really happened to her...that night in the woods?… (plus d'informations)

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Good story

I didn't realize this was her first book until I got to the end of it. I like Ruby Falls. Hopefully one day we will get another story about it. ( )
  Sonja-Fay-Little | Jan 24, 2019 |
A young woman awakes in the woods, she has no idea how she got there, even worst she can't remember her name. She's found by a farmer, Steve and his help who take her to a hospital. Steve then gives her a job...and a name house keeper until she regains her memory. Steve also has a eighteen year old daughter with her eyes on Cary and he has a sad past, his wife disappeared on a trip into town and many still believe he murdered her.
This story has many twist and turns and I loved the characters. There's sleazy cops, sexy cowboys, a woman with amnesia and lots of suspense. A thrilling read, a book that needs to be read from start to finish, I found it hard to put down. ( )
  JulieD2 | Oct 24, 2016 |
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When late one night an injured and bleeding woman stumbles up the drive toward Steve Garrett's farmhouse, he's shocked. But not as shocked as when she tells him she doesn't remember anything, not even her own name. After getting her medical attention, he finds out that she'll be sent to a women's shelter until police can determine her identity. Instead, Steve offers her room and board in exchange for some cooking and cleaning, while she waits for her memory to return. The search for her identity takes longer than either expected, moving from weeks to months, and an attraction builds between them. As she searches for her identity, she may uncover more than she bargained for. The sleepy southern town of Ruby Falls holds dark secrets of its own. Will love be enough to save her, when she uncovers the truth about what really happened to her...that night in the woods?

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