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Ridley ne s'en cache pas elle est mauvaise, malefique. C'est une Enchanteresse des Tenebres. Une Sirene. Impossible de lui faire confiance, ou meme de se faire confiance a soi-meme quand elle se trouve dans les parages. Mais Link a tendance a l'oublier et retombe sans cesse dans ses filets. Il a beau etre en partie Incube, son coeur n'en reste pas moins un coeur de Mortel...… (plus d'informations)

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Okay, first of all, I want to throw out there that I am a HUGE Beautiful Creatures fan... and I'm a HUGE Link and Ridley fan... and im a HUGE fan of Kami and Margaret. But, this book just didn't do it for me :( I think maybe I just had my expectations set too high. I'm still gonna read the next one, only because of that crazy cliffhanger. ( )
  AylaJayne | Apr 21, 2023 |
Shrinky Dink/Link and his Chicken Wing/Ridley have quite a story to tell. Glad they went here and introduced us to new characters and revisited some old ones(Dun,duh,dun,dun,dun.)

We start off with the gang (Ethan, Lena, John, Liv, Link, and Ridley) saying their goodbyes and heading off to college, England,and other parts unknown. Smores are eaten and a spell is cast and off we go! From there on out we follow Link and Lucy(the sister's cat) to Georgia College of the Redeemer lol...... ( )
  Scaulkins | Jan 27, 2022 |
Received from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Dangerous Creatures picks up where the Beautiful Creatures series leaves off only this time, the main focus is on Ridley and Link. I was happy to see this because Ridley fascinates me. She definitely has her share of trouble in this story and teenage angst aside, I'm looking forward to seeing where the series is going. Hoping that some of the characters that made an appearance in book #1 will continue throughout. Glad to see more from these authors in this setting. ( )
  Stacie-C | May 8, 2021 |

anyway, clearly I've fallen thru a wormhole because this wasn't the smoking hot trash heap I expected; more like slightly smouldering peeps in a designer microwave. WELL DONE, LADIES. NEVER WRITE ABOUT ETHAN AGAIN, ONLY WRITE ABOUT LINK AND RIDLEY FOREVER. ( )
  kickthebeat | Nov 1, 2020 |

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I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review, thank you.

I haven't read the Beautiful Creatures -series, and I do feel that I missed quite a lot in this book because I hadn't. It is a new series, although a spin-off series, but some information would have been helpful to understand what was going on. I understand this is (at least) partly my fault, but I though 'New Series - I can just jump onto the bandwagon'. Especially with the world building, some additional information would have been useful. (That the characters already have a history I don't know everything about is only a pro!) But I was a bit confused as what the types of 'creatures' were, and what rules apply. Like, what is Ridley obsession with the lollipops? And what exactly IS an non-eating/sleeping Incubus. For a second I thought it was kind of a vampire, but how could one be a quarter-vampire? Bites, uhm, beats me.

Ridley is not your typical, amiable MC. She's a Siren, something 'dark', but basically just really manipulative. And she's not really having a great summer. However, things are even worse for her 1/4 Incubus (vampire?) sort-of boyfriend (but only when it's inconvenient actually) Link, who's constantly being manipulated.

This book was a nice, fast read. I actually enjoyed it more than I expected after reading the #0.5 book in this series (review is coming up). There is this annoying love triangle, and I really don't understand why every (YA) novel needs to have a love triangle, or pyramid or whatever. Also beware of unexplained magic (if you haven't read the first series), bad Pink Floyd jokes and chapters called after songs (like: Another Brick In The Wall, Stairway To Heaven, Comfortably Numb, Knockin' On Heaven's Door). I think I will try the second book in this series as well, when it is published. ( )
  Floratina | Dec 7, 2019 |
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Kami Garciaauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Stohl, Margaretauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
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Ridley ne s'en cache pas elle est mauvaise, malefique. C'est une Enchanteresse des Tenebres. Une Sirene. Impossible de lui faire confiance, ou meme de se faire confiance a soi-meme quand elle se trouve dans les parages. Mais Link a tendance a l'oublier et retombe sans cesse dans ses filets. Il a beau etre en partie Incube, son coeur n'en reste pas moins un coeur de Mortel...

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Kami Garcia est un auteur LibraryThing, c'est-à-dire un auteur qui catalogue sa bibliothèque personnelle sur LibraryThing.

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