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Girls Like Us

par Gail Giles

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
2862794,563 (4.13)16
Graduating from their school's special education program, Quincy and Biddy are placed together in their first independent apartment and discover unexpected things they have in common in the face of past challenges and a harrowing trauma.
  1. 00
    Freaks Like Us par Susan Vaught (BookshelfMonstrosity)
    BookshelfMonstrosity: Both character-driven novels are written from the point of view of teenage special education students. Freaks is a kind of mystery while Girls is a haunting story about finding family and identity in the larger world.

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» Voir aussi les 16 mentions

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FROM AMAZON: With gentle humor and unflinching realism, Gail Giles tells the gritty, ultimately hopeful story of two special ed teenagers entering the adult world.

We understand stuff. We just learn it slow. And most of what we understand is that people what ain't Speddies think we too stupid to get out our own way. And that makes me mad.

Quincy and Biddy are both graduates of their high school's special ed program, but they couldn't be more different: suspicious Quincy faces the world with her fists up, while gentle Biddy is frightened to step outside her front door. When they're thrown together as roommates in their first "real world" apartment, it initially seems to be an uneasy fit. But as Biddy's past resurfaces and Quincy faces a harrowing experience that no one should have to go through alone, the two of them realize that they might have more in common than they thought - and more important, that they might be able to help each other move forward.
  Gmomaj | Mar 15, 2023 |
Note: I received a digital review copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley.
  fernandie | Sep 15, 2022 |
I really enjoyed this book; it takes multiple human experiences and gives a demonstration of working to overcome hardships, stereotypes and abuse.
This title was gleaned from the following list: ( )
  cougargirl1967 | Apr 6, 2022 |
This is the harrowing story of two graduates from a high school special education program and how they adjust as roommates, workers, and survivors. Despite devastating events, their continued quest for family and hope inspires.
  NCSS | Jul 23, 2021 |
I don't have a lot of experience with intellectual disabilities so this was good for me. It's from the POV of 2 girls. Both have disabilities of varying degrees. Definitely pulled on my emotions. ( )
  ToniFGMAMTC | Jul 19, 2021 |
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Always and always and always for Jim Giles and Josh Jakubik,  my heroes.
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My name is Biddy.
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"Quincy, we're...heart orphans. Never had nobody that loved us. That makes us different. It ain't because you a mix-up race. It ain't because I had a child that got took away. Why should policemans care what happen if nobody ever cared?"
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Graduating from their school's special education program, Quincy and Biddy are placed together in their first independent apartment and discover unexpected things they have in common in the face of past challenges and a harrowing trauma.

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Moyenne: (4.13)
3 11
3.5 4
4 22
4.5 10
5 16

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