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Fantasy [Signature Select Showcase]

par Lori Foster

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In this reader favorite from New York Times bestselling author Lori Foster, a bachelor is about to fall for the one woman who isn't easily swayed by his charm… Security consultant Sebastian Sinclair agrees to be sold at a bachelor auction. As much as he hates the wealthy crowd he's pandering too, he's a strong believer in the cause. But when his friend outbids everyone else to hook him up with her unsuspecting sister, he's hopelessly fascinated with the one woman who seems to have no interest in him… Brandi Sommers really means it when she says "Oh, you shouldn't have" to her older sister's outrageous birthday gift-a five-day dream vacation to a lovers' retreat. Lover included. What's she going to do in paradise with the sexy stranger Sebastian Sinclair? If Sebastian has any say in all of this, the answer is everything…… (plus d'informations)

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5 sur 5
Book Review:
Title: Fantasy
Author: Lori Foster
Date Read: September 17th - October 14th, 2016
Date Reviewed: October 14th, 2016

Introduction: I went to a local book store since they were having a clearance and I found many short but sweet novellas by Lori Foster floating around. After I bought many, this was the one I decided to start with. After months of this book disappearing around my house, I was finally able to find it and get down to reading it. The only reason it took so long to read was because of my busy schedule. It was a quick, sexy read despite my lengthy reading time.

Spoilers Ahead?: Yes!!

Quick Summary: Brandi Sommers bids on a man at an auction, only to please her sister. To her surprise, she gets stuck with security consultant Sebastian Sinclair for an all expenses paid, honeymoon vacation. When the two of them are forced to be together, emotions flutter and drama ensues.

Evaluations: This book is sexy and emotional. It definitely has its flaws (it's quite stereotypical) but it's a fast, sexy read. I found that this book kept me interested and I didn't get bored, but I was hoping for some not so stereotypical plot devices. Sadly, I didn't get any. Brandi is quite innocent, has only gone to bed with anyone once She was forced into bed by many men , and does not initially want to have any relation with Sebastian. On the other hand, Sebastian is an expert in the sexy time territory, he's super hot, he runs a successful business, makes lots of money, and has many other tropes that women are looking for in their sexy hero.

I'm somewhat glad that this book is not the first in the series (it's 0.5), because it seems far to typical for a romance novel. It gets tiring reading the same pair with just a tiny difference get the same romantic plot and ending. The two characters dislike each other, than one of them develops feelings, and then they get together, but conflict ensues and they break up, only to get back together and have a happy ending. It's typical and boring, but at least Lori Foster's skill of writing makes up for the very typical storyline.

Overall, I enjoyed this novel. I got to turn my brain off for a while and enjoy myself. Would I have liked some wicked plot twists? Yes. Nonetheless, it's still a great book.

Strengths: This novel is a quick read. Lori Foster does an amazing job at keeping the plot moving forward and not having any holes that makes the reader want to put the book down. All of the characters and plot devices didn't seem out of place either. This book is a great, quick romance read for the avid romance reader.

Weaknesses: This book is typical. It's hard to find an atypical romance novel these days, so if you are looking for something out of the ordinary in the romance department, this book is not for you.

Score: 3 out of 5.

I really enjoyed this book, but it didn't hit the ball out of the park for me. I will definitely read more by Lori Foster, but I'm not grasping for another novel by her immediately. I would recommend this book for romance readers because it's a beautifully written story!! Overall, it's a good book! Lori Foster knows how to write her romance. ( )
  Briars_Reviews | Aug 4, 2023 |
Seriously, I can't get enough of the rape-survivor-heroine storyline. Recommendations, plz. ( )
  Rhiannon.Mistwalker | Aug 19, 2022 |
Seriously, I can't get enough of the rape-survivor-heroine storyline. Recommendations, plz. ( )
  PNRList | Aug 15, 2018 |
It was ok. I found that there could have been a great potential for passion but cold water doused it every time Brandi became timid again. Sebastian was sweet, but I was tired of hearing him say "you can trust me" and "It's up to you" etc. By the time I got to the end when he did get to make a move I didn't wanna read it. Not as good as the last one I read of hers (when you dare) only the second novel I have read from this author, I will try her again... ( )
  MyaB | Apr 25, 2018 |
Fantasy, another Blaze novel, is Lori Foster’s 4th novel. When pretty, man-shy Brandi’s gorgeous sister Shay gives her a five-day resort stay with hunky, sexy Sebastian as a birthday gift, she’s reluctant, but is ultimately convinced to participate. It turns out Sebastian is a sensitive guy who allows her to tie him to the bed and explore him at her own pace until she has overcome the fears that are a hang-over of a past trauma. Talk about self-sacrifice! His restraint pays off, of course, and they enjoy a few days of hot sex before the vacation ends. Another week or two at crossed purposes (I could never be the woman he needs; I don’t have enough money to keep her happy) before they finally realise they are made for each other. ( )
  CloggieDownunder | Mar 16, 2012 |
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Please do not combine this edition (ISBN 0373836406) of Fantasy, as the Signature Select edition contains "Bonus Features."
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In this reader favorite from New York Times bestselling author Lori Foster, a bachelor is about to fall for the one woman who isn't easily swayed by his charm… Security consultant Sebastian Sinclair agrees to be sold at a bachelor auction. As much as he hates the wealthy crowd he's pandering too, he's a strong believer in the cause. But when his friend outbids everyone else to hook him up with her unsuspecting sister, he's hopelessly fascinated with the one woman who seems to have no interest in him… Brandi Sommers really means it when she says "Oh, you shouldn't have" to her older sister's outrageous birthday gift-a five-day dream vacation to a lovers' retreat. Lover included. What's she going to do in paradise with the sexy stranger Sebastian Sinclair? If Sebastian has any say in all of this, the answer is everything…

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