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Secret Sister

par Emelle Gamble

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418628,028 (3.92)1

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- Probably shouldn't read this review unless you've already read the book, although what I'm spoiling happens fairly early in the book and can be spotted before then-

There are certain concepts whereby, if someone writes a book and/or bases a movie on them, my interest is guaranteed and apparently infinite. One is Time Travel. Another is any variation of "A Christmas Carol." And then, relevant to this review, you have the "Freaky Friday" idea, where people somehow end up in a different body than they started off with.

Considering that Secret Sister is based on one of my all time favorite formulas, I am surprised that I didn't love it more. A strong point was the "mechanism" of the switch between happily married Susan and her bombshell-beautiful but kind of messed up BFF, Roxanne. I believe this was very cleverly done and provided an Ah HA! surprise towards the end of the book involving the relationship between the two women. But the fact that one of the women dies turns the whole body-switch theme in a different direction. Because usually the point is, after literally walking in someone else's shoes for a while, each party return to their original body having learned a very valuable lesson about life and their role in it. That is not possible here, obviously.

So instead of being fun and lighthearted as I expected, this story was much darker and sadder. That tone is probably why I didn't find myself totally absorbed in the plot, and didn't really connect with the plight of the main characters. I definitely wanted to see how it all ended up, and it was as satisfying as it could be under the circumstances. Regardless, this was a well written and original variation on the theme. I would recommend it and I would read another novel by this author. ( )
  AngeH | Jan 2, 2020 |
A car accident.

Two women. Best friends.One lives and one dies.

Well, this is a fabulous twist on a story about amnesia. I’m loving it.

Wonderfully real characters, with all their good things and faults.

Her memories return, but the twist puts a different spin on amnesia and second chances.

“I was lost, but now I’m found,” I blurted out.

A heartbreaking and heartwarming love story that goes so much deeper than romance.

May have you asking, “What do I believe?”

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Secret Sister by Emelle Gamble.

See more at ( )
  sherry69 | Sep 30, 2019 |
Very interesting concept Again, this book was a bit different from what I'm used to reading. It had a little romance and paranormal/fantasy. I think it was well executed and it kept me engaged. I actually read until I fell asleep while reading it. I thoroughly enjoyed the characters and the whole "mind" concept. ( )
  1forthebooks | May 29, 2018 |
At first it was a little tough for me to get into this book. But I pushed myself forward and I am glad I did! It is one of the most unique storylines I have read and it really makes you think “what if?”. Definitely worth the read! ( )
  dthompson1016 | Mar 13, 2018 |
Ms. Gamble has created a storyline that kept me glued to the pages. I read this book in a day in a half (I had to work and cook dinner for my family!). I enjoyed the way the characters were developed, the way the drama played out and how the story was drawn together in the end. The writing style is easy to read and follow. I'm looking forward to reading more Emelle Gamble books!!! ( )
  Jpress1206 | Apr 24, 2014 |
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