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The Home Office Handbook: Rules of Thumb for Organizing Your Time, Information, and Workspace

par Lorie Marrero

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622,699,166 (3.67)Aucun
An organized home office is within your grasp. Get a grip on your home office with these handy pointers! This handbook is for entrepreneurs, telecommuters, stay-at-home parents, and home-based business owners, complete with video bonus lessons and printable reference sheets online.

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(89) There have been hundreds of organizational how-to books over the decades. Marrero's book covers some familiar ground while adding some digital-age apps and solutions. A useful refresher for those straining under the weight of clutter, paper accumulation, and digital files. Recommended. Reviewed from publisher's galley received via ( )
  activelearning | Oct 13, 2013 |
The Home Office Handbook
Lorie Marrero

Book Summary: An organized home office is within your grasp. Get a grip on your home office with these handy pointers! This handbook is for entrepreneurs, telecommuters, stay-at-home parents, and home-based business owners, complete with video bonus lessons and printable reference sheets online.
Review: There were a lot of practical ideas in the book. I liked the layout overall. Sometimes I found the information provided to be limited to one website or person (sometimes was a friend of the author). This was not an example of professional referral. Yes, it is OK to provide a friend or someone who has provided a service for you well as the referral. Although by just providing one referral and that is a friend seems limiting and preferential. Things do not always work out especially when written in the pages of a book. I found some of the advice to be a personal preference and a demand placed on the reader to do ‘as I say’ only requirement. It could shut someone’s ears because people want assistance and help dealing with this not an autocratic requirement by some they have never met. When you are face to face there is a personal relationship that can demand you can demand more of them.
I did find some of the information refreshing and helpful. There were new references that I had not heard of and was able to look into. Many times there were 2 or 3 places to get information and this was particularly helpful because when you are paying for something shopping around is key to customizing for and individual or family needs. Over all an easy read with a lot of information that can be utilized for assistance with a home office.
I would like to thank Net Galley and Greenleaf Book Group for allowing me to read and review this book in return for a free copy and I was never asked to write a favorable review by anyone. ( )
  Robin661 | Jul 3, 2013 |
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An organized home office is within your grasp. Get a grip on your home office with these handy pointers! This handbook is for entrepreneurs, telecommuters, stay-at-home parents, and home-based business owners, complete with video bonus lessons and printable reference sheets online.

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