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Le Chant de la Mission (2006)

par John le Carré

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MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
2,542535,974 (3.36)45
Fiction. Literature. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:

Full of politics, heart, and the sort of suspense that nobody in the world does better, The Mission Song turns John Le Carre's laser eye for the complexity of the modern world on turmoil and conspiracy in Africa.
Abandoned by both his Irish father and Congolese mother, Bruno Salvador has long looked for someone to guide his life. He has found it in Mr. Anderson of British Intelligence. Bruno's African upbringing, and fluency in numerous African languages, has made him a top interpreter in London, useful to businesses, hospitals, diplomats and spies. Working for Anderson in a clandestine facility known as the "Chat Room,"Salvo (as he's known) translates intercepted phone calls, bugged recordings, and snatched voice mail messages.
When Anderson sends him to a mysterious island to interpret during a secret conference between Central African warlords, Bruno thinks he is helping Britain bring peace to a bloody corner of the world. But then he hears something he should not have...
By turns thriller, love story, and comic allegory of our times, The Mission Song is a crowning achievement, recounting an interpreter's heroically naive journey out of the dark of Western hypocrisy and into the heart of lightness.

.… (plus d'informations)
  1. 00
    Le fond du problème par Graham Greene (John_Vaughan)
    John_Vaughan: The two books reflect the supposedly 'catholic' viewpoint so often attributed to Greene. The Mission Song is from a catholic African's view.
  2. 00
    Un Homme très recherché par John le Carré (John_Vaughan)

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2 sur 2
> John Le Carré : LE CHANT DE LA MISSION (Paris, Le Seuil, 2007, 347 p., 21,80 €)
Se reporter au compte rendu de Jean-Paul MARÉCHAL
In: Revue Esprit No. 341 (1) (Janvier 2008), pp. 203-204… ; (en ligne),
  Joop-le-philosophe | Jan 22, 2021 |
C'est le premier John le Carré que je lisais, et je ne m'attendais pas du tout à cela. L'histoire est originale, avec ses assemblés secrètes et leurs tiraillements internes, mais le manque d'action m'a laissé un peu sur ma faim. ( )
  badynfo | Sep 30, 2010 |
2 sur 2
“The Mission Song” illuminates with animated personifications a portion of the globe’s daily misery that tends to be, in American news, at least, murky and abstract.
ajouté par MikeBriggs | modifierThe New Yorker, John Updike (Sep 18, 2006)

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le Carré, Johnauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Oyelowo, DavidReaderauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé

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'The conquest of the earth, which mostly means the taking it away from those who have a different complexion or slightly flatter noses than ourselves, is not a pretty thing when you look into it too much.' – Marlow.
Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness
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My name is Bruno Salvador.
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Fiction. Literature. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:

Full of politics, heart, and the sort of suspense that nobody in the world does better, The Mission Song turns John Le Carre's laser eye for the complexity of the modern world on turmoil and conspiracy in Africa.
Abandoned by both his Irish father and Congolese mother, Bruno Salvador has long looked for someone to guide his life. He has found it in Mr. Anderson of British Intelligence. Bruno's African upbringing, and fluency in numerous African languages, has made him a top interpreter in London, useful to businesses, hospitals, diplomats and spies. Working for Anderson in a clandestine facility known as the "Chat Room,"Salvo (as he's known) translates intercepted phone calls, bugged recordings, and snatched voice mail messages.
When Anderson sends him to a mysterious island to interpret during a secret conference between Central African warlords, Bruno thinks he is helping Britain bring peace to a bloody corner of the world. But then he hears something he should not have...
By turns thriller, love story, and comic allegory of our times, The Mission Song is a crowning achievement, recounting an interpreter's heroically naive journey out of the dark of Western hypocrisy and into the heart of lightness.


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