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Gone South: A Novel

par Meg Moseley

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Leaving frosty Michigan for the Deep South was never a blip in the simple plans Tish McComb imagined for her life, dreams of marriage and family that were dashed five years earlier in a tragic accident. Now an opportunity to buy her great-great-great-grandparents' Civil War era home beckons Tish to Noble, Alabama, a Southern town in every sense of the word. She wonders if God has given her a new dream - the old house filled with friends, her vintage percolator bubbling on the sideboard. When Tish discovers that McCombs aren't welcome in town, she feels like a Yankee behind enemy lines. Only local antiques dealer George Zorbas seems willing to give her a chance. What's a lonely outcast to do but take in Noble's resident prodigal, Melanie Hamilton, and hope that the two can find some much needed acceptance in each other. Problem is, old habits die hard, and Mel is quite set in her destructive ways. With Melanie blocked from going home, Tish must try to manage her incorrigible houseguest as she attempts to prove her own worth in a town that seems to have forgotten that every sinner needs God-given mercy, love and forgiveness.… (plus d'informations)

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This book was everything I could have wanted in a novel. So. Much. Love. for "Gone South."

I wrote a full review which can be found here: ( )
  brandyhei | Jan 14, 2014 |
GONE SOUTH by Meg Moseley is an intriguing inspirational historical fiction set in Noble, Alabama. Ms. Moseley has weaved a tale of love,secrets,rejection, and the heart of the old South. Follow Tish,on a journey that weaves the past with the present. With carpetbaggers fir a family and named McComb, Tish soon learns the town is hostile to anyone named McComb. "Gone South" is a tale of looking for acceptance,suspense,action, and romance. A great story and one not to miss if you enjoy historical fiction, as well as contemporary fiction. Received for an honest review from the publisher.
REVIEWED BY: AprilR, Review courtesy of My Book Addiction and More ( )
  MyBookAddiction | Jul 20, 2013 |
Does anyone else ever get so frustrated with a book character you just have to put the book down and distract yourself elsewhere? Especially when it's an adult that you thought would have more wisdom than is being displayed...
hoping there will be some upcoming good news to make this frustration pay off!

Unfortunately, it only got worse...

Great cover and book premise that drew me to select it for reading. I loved the protagonist's sense of adventure, dream of a new beginning, willingness to step into the unknown. Sadly, it didn't remain true throughout the story...

Once Trish takes in the town's likeable miscreant, Mel, Trish's true colours of control are revealed. Mel is almost 21, so an adult for several years, yet she is continually disbelieved and treated as a disobedient child to be kept under surveillance, to be reported and worse, to have her will and wishes trampled on by Trish. All this, supposedly in Mel's best interests. Why? Because Trish says so. This is unconscionable treatment of a young, impressionable, and vulnerable woman. Any apology for these thoughts and actions? No. It's all treated as acceptable.

I was so frustrated by Trish's disregard for the will and person of Mel, I actually had to put the book down and walk away. The frustration included the fact that Trish is set as the Christian adult who doesn't show a personal lifestyle that follows the influence of Christ, yet Mel prays constantly, voicing her acknowledgement, dependence and longing for God.

I can't in any way accept the actions Trish takes in opposition to Mel's will; forcing her own will on another and over another's. Unkind, selfish, lacking in wisdom and not asking God or others for wise counsel, she just barrels on her way without thought for consequences that will inevitably affect them. Where and how does this example Christ? It doesn't. It showed clear and consistent disregard rather than the honouring of others that Christ calls us to; to see Christ in another, not looking down from some lofty self-made perch.

At the very least, discussion with a lawyer would have cleared up Mel's claims and satisfied any concerns Trish had. Most likely it would have brought wise and proper resolution to the entire situation. It wasn't even an option in any character's thoughts or conversation throughout the novel.

In other aspects, the book presented seemingly important inclusions to the story's outcome which are later swept aside as of nominal value without any further reference to the plot. What!? All that information on boxes of wills and deeds is just fill? Then why include it at all? What about the truth of Letitia and Nathaniel? I'm still left in the dark after completing the book.

To wrap up- Final analysis? Not at all what I'd expected. The book didn't live up to its promo. And the ending is nothing short of disappointing.
  FHC | Jun 13, 2013 |
Gone South by Meg Moseley is a most enjoyable book that touches on several issues that are prevalent today such as homelessness, stealing, prejudice, learning disabilities, and low self esteem. Tish McCombs had her life all planned but then an accident took the life of her future husband and now her father has also died and her mother has remarried. Mom and new husband are moving to Florida to get away from the cold of Michigan and Tish decides to go along to help with the move. Tish decides to take a side trip to Noble, Alabama, to see the home that once belonged to her great-great-great grandparents and was built around 1870. The house was up for sale and on a spur of the moment decision, Tish decided to buy the house. She is happy with her decision and then trouble comes along. She goes to the bank to open an account and the lady helping her is all smiles and welcome until she looks at Tish’s driver’s license and learn that she is a McCombs. Tish cannot understand the change until the owner of the bank explains to her and tentatively offers her a job.

Mel is in Florida and hitchhiking back home when the guy who gave her a ride makes a pass and she jumps from the pickup and does not have time to grab her duffel bag from the back. This leaves Mel with no money, clothes, or food and when she finally reaches home in Noble, her dad will not let her into the house. He has kicked her out because she stole her Grandpa John’s pocket watch that was to go to her brother Stu. She does not feel it was stealing for Grandpa had told her that he was going to give the watch to her and he also told her that his 1956 Corvette would one day be her’s. Since Grandpa John did not leave a will, no one believes Mel.

George Zorbas seems to be the only person in town who is willing to give Tish a chance. George tries to persuade Tish not to give Mel a place to live but since Tish definitely feels like an outsider, she decides to permit Mel to move in hoping that they can accept each other and be a help to each other. Unfortunately, Mel is set in her destructive ways and several times Tish threatens to send Mel packing but she is determined to help Mel and at the same time Tish is trying to prove her own worth. The people of the town of Noble apparently have conveniently forgotten that everyone needs the love and forgiveness of God and also forgiveness from people.

At the urging of Tish and George, Mel gives the watch to Stu but will Stu give the watch back to Mel? Does the town come to accept Tish? Will Tish get the job at the bank and if she doesn’t why not? Will George and Tish end up together? Will Mel get help for her dyslexia and if so, who will help her? While Mel is working at George’s antique store, he figures out why Mel’s previous employers accused her of stealing. But was she stealing? These are questions that come up in the story and I think that it would spoil the story for future readers if I were to answer the questions. The book does have a happy ending.

The characters were so very well developed that I felt they were almost real and just might come to life. The plot had a lot of twist and turns and just when I thought I had something figured out, everything would change. I was fascinated by the dialogue for being a southerner I know how many people in the south feel about Yankees and the dialogue was right on target. Throughout the entire book I felt as if I were right there in Noble taking part in all the action for the author made the scenes so real. Even though I knew that I was reading a novel, I still became upset at times because of the way the small town southern people treated Tish because she was from Michigan. Even worse and what upset me more was the way she was treated because of something her great-great-great grandparents supposedly did. This is a Christian novel and I was glad to see that the author had God and Christianity as an important part of the book.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book and would recommend it to anyone who likes a great story with lots of action, suspense, romance, and that has a Christian message of love and forgiveness. A sneak peek at the first chapter is available here: Meg Moseley’s website is: and her blog is available at the same site. Her bio on Waterbrook is available at:

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Waterbrook Multnomah Publishers through their Blogging for Books program in exchange for an honest review. I was not required to give a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. ( )
  deanna13 | May 16, 2013 |
An Enjoyable Read!

This is the first book that I have read by author Meg Moseley and it won't be the last. I really enjoyed the two main characters in this book, Letitia (Tish) McComb and Melanie Hamilton. Even though several years separate the two in age they are alike in so many ways. Both want acceptance and to be loved for who they are. One is being accused of being a thief and the other is treated as an outcast because of her name and heritage. Will both find acceptance and happiness that they are seeking? ( )
  passionforbooks | May 15, 2013 |
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Leaving frosty Michigan for the Deep South was never a blip in the simple plans Tish McComb imagined for her life, dreams of marriage and family that were dashed five years earlier in a tragic accident. Now an opportunity to buy her great-great-great-grandparents' Civil War era home beckons Tish to Noble, Alabama, a Southern town in every sense of the word. She wonders if God has given her a new dream - the old house filled with friends, her vintage percolator bubbling on the sideboard. When Tish discovers that McCombs aren't welcome in town, she feels like a Yankee behind enemy lines. Only local antiques dealer George Zorbas seems willing to give her a chance. What's a lonely outcast to do but take in Noble's resident prodigal, Melanie Hamilton, and hope that the two can find some much needed acceptance in each other. Problem is, old habits die hard, and Mel is quite set in her destructive ways. With Melanie blocked from going home, Tish must try to manage her incorrigible houseguest as she attempts to prove her own worth in a town that seems to have forgotten that every sinner needs God-given mercy, love and forgiveness.

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