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The Crayon Box that Talked (1996)

par Shane Derolf

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2,982454,851 (4.03)2
Although they are many different colors, the crayons in a box discover that when they get together they can appreciate each other and make a complete picture.

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» Voir aussi les 2 mentions

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  lcslibrarian | Aug 13, 2020 |
  lcslibrarian | Aug 13, 2020 |
DeRolf, S. (1997). The Crayon Box That Talked. New York: Random House Books for Young Readers.
This sweet and rhyming book teaches preschool readers about getting along with each other. In this book the crayon box is at a toy store and the crayons inside just don’t like each other. When a little girl buys the crayons and takes them home she is able to use them all to make a beautiful picture. This teaches that together we can do small things but when we work together what we can do is much bigger.
  LauraDowdle | Jun 2, 2020 |
In this story, a little girl over hears a box full of crayons arguing in a toy store. She decides to buy the box of crayons so that she can show each of them how unique and beautiful they are, especially when they all work together. This brightly illustrated story is easy to read, and flows nicely with lots of rhyming words. This is a great story, and is perfect for teaching kindness! ( )
  kristenheidecker | Feb 10, 2020 |
I love this story! The crayons are so silly!
  Jennifer.Russell | Nov 18, 2019 |
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Shane Derolfauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Letzig, MichaelIllustrateurauteur principalquelques éditionsconfirmé
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To the Forty-Niners, and the picture you are creating together --S.D.R.

For my father,Herb, who always kept plenty of crayons around. --M.L.
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While walking in a toy store,
The day before today...
I overheard a crayon box,
With many things to say.
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Although they are many different colors, the crayons in a box discover that when they get together they can appreciate each other and make a complete picture.

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